tqdm for node
wrap an iterable in tdqm, and it will update the progress bar as it iterates
npm install ntqdm
var tdqm = require(ntqdm)();
var t = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10];
for(let i of tdqm(t)) {
for infinite iterables, you need to specify a total number of iteations to complete. If no total is specified, tdqm tries to find the total by iterating.
for(let i of tdqm(generator(), {total:50})) {
normally, tdqm updates the same line, and assumes nothing else is written to stdout, you can set logging to true to output on new lines
for(let i of tdqm(generator(), {total:50, logging:true})) {
other switches:
desc - text to add above the progress bar
minIter - the minimum number of iterations to complete between updates
minInterval - the amount of time between iterations