Machine Learning Engineering for Production (MLOps) Specialization on Coursera
- Course 1: Introduction to ML Life Cycle and Deployment
- Course 2: Machine Learning Data Lifecycle in Production
- Week 1: Collecting, Labeling and Validating Data
- Lab: TFDV exercise (Census Income Data Set)
- Programming: Data validation (Diabetes 130-US hospitals for years 1999-2008 Data Set)
- Week 2: Feature Engineering, Transformation and Selection
- Lab: Simple feature engineering
- Lab: Feature engineering pipeline
- Lab: Feature selection (Breast Cancer Wisconsin (Diagnostic) Data Set)
- Programming: Feature engineering (Metro Interstate Traffic Volume Data Set)
- Week 3: Data Journey and Data Storage
- Lab: ML metadata
- Lab: Iterative schema
- Programming: Data pipeline components for production ML
- Week 4: Advanced Labeling, Augmentation and Data Preprocessing
- Lab: Feature engineering with weather data (Weather Dataset)
- Lab: Feature engineering with accelerometer data (WISDM Human Activity Recognition Dataset)
- Lab: Feature engineering with images (CIFAR-10, link2)
- Week 1: Collecting, Labeling and Validating Data
- Course 3: Machine Learning Modeling Pipelines in Production
Depolyment Patterns | Description |
Shadow mode | Have a machine learning algorithm shadow the human inspector and run parallel with the human inspector. The learning algorithms output is not used for any decision. |
Canary | Roll out to a small fraction of traffic. Then either gradually ramp up (if it’s going well) or rollback (if not) |
Blue green | Assign traffic to a green (new) deployment from a blue (old) deployment |
Degree of automation
Human only -> Shadow mode -> AI assistance -> Partial automatio -> Full automation
Model monitoring
Type of Metrics | Metric Examples |
Software | Memory, compute, latency, throughput, server load |
Input | Avg input lenght, avg input volume, Num missing values, Avg image brightness |
Output | # times retrun "" (null), # times user redoes search, # times user switch to typing, CTR |
How to establish a baseline?
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- Human level performance (HLP). Generally it's more effective for establishing the baseline on unstructured data than structured data.
- Literature search for state-of-the-art/open source
- Older system
What do precision and recall mean?
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Metric | Formula | Layman definition 1 | Layman definition 2 |
Precision | TP / Predicted positive | How believable the model is when it says an instance is a positive? | |
Recal | TP / Real positive | How often was the model able to find positives? |
What are the differences between structured and unstructured data in terms of labeling and data augmentation?
It is generally easier for humans to label data and to apply data augmentation on unstructured data than structured data.
What is data provenance and data lineage? Why we need them?
- Data provenance: where the data comes from?
- Data lineage: sequence of steps
- Tools: extensive documention, tensorflow transform
What are the examples where ML systems fail the users it serves?
- Representation harm: a system amplifies or reflects a negative stereotype about particular groups
- Opportunity denial: a system makes predictions that have negative real life consequences that could result in lasting impacts.
- Disproportionate product failure: outputs are skewed for particular groups of users.
- Harm by disadvantage: system infers disadvantageous associations between different demographic characteristics and the user behaviors.
What is direct labeling? What are its pros and cons?
A way of continuously creating new training data to use in the model. It takes the features themselves from the inference requests that the model is getting. E.g., actual clicks and predicted clicks.
- continous training data creation
- labels evolve quickly
- strong label signals
- the inherent nature of the problem
- failure to capture ground truth
- custom design
Data issues
├── Drift
│ ├── Data drift
│ └── Concept drift
├── Skew
│ ├── Schema skew
│ ├── Feature skew
│ └── Distribution skew
What is drift and skew?
Concept | Definiton |
Drift | Changes in data over time, such as data collected once a day |
Skew | Differences between two static versions, or different sources, e.g., training v.s. serving set |
What is data drift and concept drift?
Concept | Definiton |
Data drift | Changes in the statistical properties of the features due to seasonality, trend, or unexpected events |
Concept drift | Changes in statistical properties of the labels over time. The mapping found during training is no longer valid |
What is schema skew and distribution skew?
Concept | Definiton | Probably caused by |
Schema skew | The training and schema as serving data do not conform to the same schema. e.g., integer -> float, string -> category | |
Feature skew | Changes in the feature values between training and serving | A data source that provides some feature values is modified between training and serving time Different logic for generating features, e.g., transformation only in one of the two code paths, Java v.s. Python |
Distribution skew | A divergence of training and serving datasets. The changes in distribution of individual features, e.g., range 1-100 in training changed to 5-600 in serving. | Faulty sampling method during training Different data sources for training and serving data Trend, seasonality, changes in data over time |
What is data shift, covariate shift, and concept shift?
Type | Changed | Unchanged |
Data shift | joint probability of x and y | |
Covariate shift | marginal distribution of x | conditional distribution of y given x |
Concept shift | conditional distribution of y given x | marginal distribution of x |
What measure is typically used to determine the degree of data drift?
Chebyshev distance (L-infinity)
Transformation Training: Full pass requires the entire dataset Serving: Instance level
When to do transformation and what are the pros and cons?
When | Pros | Cons |
Preprocess trainset | Run once Compute on entire |
Transformations reproduced at serving Slow iteration, each time make a change need to do a full pass |
Within model | Easy iteration, part of the model Guarantee the transformation |
Expensive Long model latency, GPU in training but CPU in serving Batch transform skew |
What is feature cross?
It combines multiple features into a new feature.
What are supervised feature selection methods and what are their differences?
Method | Definition | Model-related |
Filter | use statistical methods to rank a given set of features | No |
Wrapper | use a model to measure the effectiveness of a particular subset of features | Yes |
Embedded | implemented by algorithms with own built-in feature selection methods | Yes |
Method | Sub-method | How-to |
Filter | Correlation | Select features correlated with label, remove mutual correlated features |
Univariate | Selecting the best features based on univariate statistical tests, e.g., Anova F-test | |
Wrapper | Forward | Add features one by one |
Backward | Start with all features, remove one by one | |
Recursive (RFE) | Fit the model and rank important features, remove least important ones until the desired feature number | |
Embedded | L1 / L2 regularization | Introduces a penalty term to the loss function which leads to the least important features being eliminated |
Feature importance | Assign scores and drop features scored lower than importance | |
Pearson, Kendall Tau Rank, Spearman F-test, mutual information, Chi square
Differences between databsae, data warehouse, and data lake?
Database | Data Warehouse | Data Lake | |
Definition | a storage location that houses structured data | subject-oriented repository of structured data optimized for fast read | repository of data stored in its natural and raw format |
Sources | Single | Multiple | Multiple |
Data processing | OLTP | OLAP | OLAP |
Store historical data | ❌ | ✅ | ✅ |
Data size | gigabytes | >= terabytes | petabytes! |
Queries | simple, for transaction | complex, for analysis | complex |
Query execution | real-time | long run | depends on the service |
Tables normalized | ✅ | ❌ | ❌ |
Structured only? | semi-structured | ✅ | ❌ |
Data Structure | Processed | Processed | Raw |
Users | Customer / dev / professionals | Business professionals | Data scientists |
Examples | MySQL, MongoDB | Amazon Redshift, Google BigQuery, IBM Db2 Warehouse, MS Azure Synapse | MongoDB Atlas Data Lake, AWS Athenal, Databricks SQL Analytics |
Schemas are relational objects summarizing the features in a dataset including ____
- Feature name
- Feature type
- Required or optional
- Valency
- Domain
- Default values
What are differences of several popular advanced labeling methods?
Method | Label generation methods |
Semi-supervised | Human label a small subset of data, propagate to large set based on similarity or community structure |
Active learning | Select samples to be labeled that would be most informative for model training |
Weak supervision | Use heuristics and labelling functions provided by subject matter experts to apply noisy labels to unlabeled examples heuristics |
Weak supervision objective: learn a generative model to determine weights for weak supervision sources
What are the techniques of active learning sampling?
Sampling method | How |
Margin sampling | Label points the current model is least confident in |
Cluster-based sampling | sample from well-formed clusters to "cover" the entire space |
Query-by-committee | trian an ensemble of models and sample points that generate disagreement |
Region-based sampling | Runs several active learning algorithms in different partitions of the space |
What would be a striking caveat or shortcoming of interpreting a video just as a series of images?
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Losing the semantic context coming from the sequence of events.What are search strategies in NAS and how do they wrok?
Search Method | Desc |
Grid search | Exhaustively search all the combinations of hyperparameters |
Random search | Each iteration tries a random combination |
Bayesian Optimization | Assume a distribution |
Evolutionary algo | N initial model architectures are randomly generated; X highest generations are selected as parents for the generation; evaluated, Y architectures are selected to be removed from the population; the offsprings replaces the removed architectures and the process restarts from the new population |
Reinforcement learning | agent, sample architecture with some prob; accuracy determines reward; get policy gradient to update the controller RNN |