Just getting a feel for the Vulkan API by following the Vulkan Tutorial.
- install glfw and vulkan libraries for your system
cabal run
- Introduction
- Overview
- Development environment
- Drawing a triangle
- Setup
- Base node
- Instance
- Validation layers
- Physical devices and queue families
- Logical device and queues
- Presentation
- Window surface
- Swap chain
- Image views
- Graphics pipeline basics
- Introduction
- Shader modules
- Fixed functions
- Render passes
- Conclusion
- Drawing
- Framebuffers
- Command buffers
- Rendering and presentation
- Frames in flight
- Swap chain recreation
- Setup
- Vertex buffers
- Vertex input description
- Vertex buffer creation
- Staging buffer
- Index buffer
- Uniform buffers
- Descriptor layout and buffer
- Descriptor pool and sets
- Texture mapping
- Images
- Image view and sampler
- Combined image sampler
- Depth buffering
- Loading models
- Generating Mipmaps
- Multisampling