Currently, you can customize formatting by providing some customized styles in a reference odt/docx file to pandoc. These styles are copied into the generated document and applied to selected elements in the document.
However, this only supports a limited, hard-coded list of styles. E.g. the 'Heading 1' style is applied to level-1 headings, the 'Text body' style to regular paragraphs, the 'Bullet Symbols' style to bullets. On top of this, I'd like to be able to specify other styles to use, on a block-by-block basis.
My usecase is that I'm writing a book, and my publisher requires the text to be delivered in docx or odt format, using a set of custom styles with non-standard style names. I have two challenges:
- Regular styles have different names, so I need to use e.g. "Publisher Heading 1" for first-level headings.
- Some parts of my document must use completely different styles, which have no equivalent in the pandoc AST (e.g. notes for the layouter must use the "Layout Notes" style).
If I have some way to specify custom style names in the AST, I can use a pandoc filter to introduce the proper style names in the AST and have the writers use the right styles. Ideally, I'd be able to specify the style names for challenge 2 above directly in my markdown source.
Attributes seem like a good fit for this, so that would work out to something like this in markdown:
# My Header {style="Fancy Header 1"}
Note that this is already supported by the current markdown parser, and results in this JSON:
[{"t":"Header","c":[1,["my-header",[],[["style","Fancy Header 1"]]],
However, converting this to ODT or DOCX drops the attributes completely.
I'm aware that not all elements currently allow specifying styles, but that's another discussion. What I'd like to see is that, for all elements that currently support attributes, the "style" attribute be interpreted as a style name in the ODT and DOCX writes.
ODT and DOCX have a distinction between paragraph and character styles, but it seems that using the paragraph styles for block elements and character styles for inline elements is sufficient?
Does this sound reasonable? Is the "style" attribute the right fit here? For the HTML writer, the style attribute should contain a bit of raw CSS. I don't think we can have a single syntax that works for both HTML and ODT/DOCX, though perhaps we can have something that allows specifying two distinct attributes to allow working with both? At first glance, the class is more appropriate than an attribute, since a class is also a name that indirectly specifies formatting to be used. However, a class can be specified multiple times, which I don't think is applicable to DOCX / ODT styles? Or perhaps just use the first / last class name specified?
I'll likely spend a bit of time implementing this for my own needs, but I'd rather know up-front if this has any chance of being merged.
@mpickering, It seems that such a style= attribute could perhaps also be used by an asciidoc reader to fix #1234 / #1235.