- Organisation: Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros de Telecomunicaciones - University of Valladolid
- This repository has been the result of the Master Thesis: "802.11p standard and V2X applications on commercial Wi-Fi cards". In this repository it can be find all the documentacion and sources to implement the 802.11p standard. As well as, it has been integrated part of the upper protocolos. Explaining how can be decode the received packets using Wireshark. Besides, it has been tested that it is possible use commercial Wi-Fi wireless cards for 802.11p standard.
- Version 1.0
- The implementation of this project is only possible using specific Wi-Fi wireless cards, which physically support the 802.11p standard as well as their driver software is Open Source. These wireless cards are described in the document "/802.11p/Documentation/Wireless_cards.pdf".
- Summary of set up: The main document of this proyect can be found in "Documentation" folder. This document is the final report wrote for this proyect.
- Configuration: A short tutorial is explained in the file "/802.11p/Documentation/802.11p_guide.pdf". It explains how to deploy the 802.11p standard in your Linux device. Moreover, how to take the first steeps to install every required program.
- Dependencies: The software dependencies are described in the file "/802.11p/Documentation/802.11p_guide.pdf".
- How to run tests: This part is explained in the chapter 5 of "802.11p standard and V2X applications on commercial Wi-Fi cards" thesis.
- Deployment instructions: This part is explained in the chapter 3 of "802.11p standard and V2X applications on commercial Wi-Fi cards" thesis.
- Repository structure: How is divided the repository and where it can be found every interesting file, is explained below.
- Documentation
- 802.11p_guide.pdf: A short view of how to implement 802.11p standard in any Linux distribution.
- 802.11p_standard_and_V2X_applications.pdf: Final Master Thesis Report.
- Wireless_cards.pdf: Suitable Wi-Fi wireless cards with 802.11p
- Real_ITS: ".pcap" files which are store data from a real ITS station. Mainly, GeoNetwork, IVI, DENM and CAM protocols.
- Software: The programs that have been developed during the project.
- Channel_switching:
- Receiver_ITS
- simulation.c: This program was developed for a receiver station with two wireless cards. One of the wireless cards it is always listening in CCH and the other is commuting between channels. It is read the field number 14 of the received frame. And it will be hop to channel specified on this field.
- Sender_ITS
- get_rssi:
- rssi.sh: It is only a bash script which dissects the output of the command IW in order to take the RSSI parameter. Because, it did not find a directly method to get the power using the Netlink socket.
- pcap_examples: Examples which use the pcap library.
- dump_packets.c: Example of a program to store the data received from one of the interfaces into a defined .pcap file.
- scripts: In this folder, it can be found the programs that were launched in the ITS devices during the proyect.
- bin
- shoutdown_usb.sh: Script to kill the service “usb”.
- shutdown_wlanp.sh: Script to kill the service “wlanp”.
- start_wlanp.sh: Script to lunch the service “wlanp”.
- start_usb.sh: Script to lunch the service “usb”
- telegram
- toSend: Temporal folder used for action.lua
- read_packets.c: Program launched by action.lua, this program is able to read a packet from the ocb0 interface, dissect a GeoNetowrking packet to extract the important information and save this information into a temporal file stored in the folder “toSend”.
- usb: Service to store the .pcap captures into a specific USB dongle.
- wlanp: Service to create a virtual OCB interface from WLAN0.
- bin
- tg: Folder of the Telegram client.
- scripts:
- action.lua: Program which receives a message “ping” from one of the defined sources (id1, id2, id3) it lunches the program “read_packet” and send the information to the same source who asks for it.
- scripts:
- Send_data: Programs those are able to send data using the ocb0 interface.
- sendRawEth.c: To send data using an Ethernet socket. It can be configurable the source and destination MAC as well as the data field.
- sendRawGeo.c: It is sent an example of GeoNetworking message.
- Receiver_ITS
- Channel_switching:
- Documentation
- Writing tests
- Code review
- Other guidelines
- Nowadays, the most complete and develope proyect to continue this thesis is OPENC2X. It continue implementing the rest of the ITS G5 stack and it can be tested in real environments.
- The seventh chapter of "802.11p standard and V2X applications on commercial Wi-Fi cards" thesis described some ideas or next steeps that can be developed in the future.
- Author: Javier Fernández Pastrana
- Email: javier.fernandez.pastrana@gmail.com