🔭 I’m currently pursuing IBM Data Engineer Professional Certification and working in another side project.
🌱 I’m currently learning C++, Cybersecurity, Python and Data Science with Python
📫 How to reach me Linkedin
⚡ Fun fact: Eat, sleep, gym, code, and repeat
🐈 My name is Juan Esteban, but you can call me Juanes!
🏋🏻♂️ I don't want to say that I'm a gym rat, but I love working out; it's just part of my routine.
🍳My secret hobby is cooking.
✈️ I'm all about exploring new cultures and savoring delicious eats, especially by the sea. Traveling and feeling the ocean's pull is where I'm at my happiest.
These are some of the notable projects I've worked on:
- Trascendence: This project is about creating a website for the Pong contest, where users could play Pong with others in real-time multiplayer online games. The website included features like user management and authentication, friends lists, user profiles, tournaments, and support for multiple languages. Django was enforced as the backend framework, and PostgreSQL was used as the only database.
- Ft_IRC: This project involves creating an Internet Relay Chat (IRC) server and connecting it to an IRC client for reference. With IRSSI serving as the IRC client reference, the objective is to test the implemented IRC server with the referenced client. Additionally, handle multiple connected clients and the communication between client and server, done via TCP/IP.
- Inception: A project focused on exploring the world of system administration using Docker. This project involves virtualizing and managing multiple Docker images within a personal virtual machine. It aims to deepen the understanding of containerization and enhance skills in managing and orchestrating systems in practical, real-world scenarios.
- Minishell: This project aims to develop a user-friendly shell, essentially a simplified version inspired by the bash shell. Implemented in C and using Unix system calls, it optimizes processes and file descriptors. In this shell you will be able to use redirections, piping, executable execution, and seamless handling of quotes, environment variables, and shell expansions. Furthermore, it offers versatility by supporting various types of signals, enhancing your command-line experience.
- Cub3D: This project is inspired by the world-famous Wolfenstein 3D game, which was the first FPS ever. mplemented in C and employing fundamental algorithms, our endeavor delves into the realm of ray-casting. The objective is to create an immersive view within a maze, challenging you to navigate and discover your path forward