BSON implemented in Crystal according to the spec.
Add this line to your application's shard.yml
github: jeromegn/
require "bson"
io ="examples/sample.bson")) # A pretty representative BSON document
BSON.decode(io) # => Returns a Hash instance
bson, writer = IO.pipe
"a string".to_bson(writer) # => encodes the string to BSON and writes to the IO
puts String.from_bson(bson).inspect # => "a string"
doc = Hash{
"name" => "hello",
"int" => 32
puts doc # => { "name" => "hello", "int" => 32 }
bson, writer = IO.pipe
doc.to_bson(writer) # => Encodes the whole document to BSON and writes to the IO
puts BSON.decode(bson) # => { "name" => "hello", "int" => 32 }
All types specified in the BSON spec.
Relevant basic types of Crystal have been extended to add #to_bson(io : IO)
and .from_bson(io : IO)
for simplicity.
A BSON::Document
is just an alias for Hash(String, BSON::Type)
- More tests
- Only supported Regex options are the ones also supported by Crystal:
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- jeromegn Jerome Gravel-Niquet - creator, maintainer