Port of beebem, a BBC Micro Model B emulator, for the RG350 handheld running Open Dingux.
Based on RS-97 port, which in turn is based on the v0.6-1 of the GP2X port, the source of both can be found at:
Compile with:
make -f Makefile_RG350
You'll need a GCWZero toolchain to build from source. http://www.gcw-zero.com/develop
- After building the '
' binary, you then need to package for RG350 as an OPK file To make the OPK:cd dist
To install package onto the RG350...
Copy beebem.opk to
folder -
Running beebem at least once will create the ~/.beebem/roms if not already present on your device.
Put ROMs with exactly these names into ~/.beebem/roms
- Acorn DNFS 1.2 (chip ID# 201666)'os12'
- Base operating system for BBC Model B (v1.2)'basic'
- BBC Basic Programming Language (v2)
- Put Disk Images, for example SSD files, e.g. into /media/sdcard/ROMS/BEEB/