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jeremyButtler committed Dec 24, 2023
1 parent af64fcd commit febac30
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Showing 117 changed files with 39,100 additions and 1,265 deletions.
File renamed without changes.
File renamed without changes.
1,840 changes: 1,840 additions & 0 deletions 20231025-alnSeq/alnSeq.c

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

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File renamed without changes.
File renamed without changes.
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File renamed without changes.
File renamed without changes.
File renamed without changes.
File renamed without changes.
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File renamed without changes.
File renamed without changes.
File renamed without changes.
78 changes: 25 additions & 53 deletions Makefile
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Expand Up @@ -2,75 +2,47 @@ PREFIX=/usr/local/bin


# These are flags I do not want the user to over write,
# acidentally.
# Flags I want the user to be able to overwrite

# Flags I do not want the user to overwrite

# -Wno-unused-function is to supress the warnings for
# some static functions I have

# These are here for the user to overwrite


alnSeqDefaults.c \
cStrToNumberFun.c \

# Build findCoInfct
$(CC) $(COREFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) $(SOURCE) -o alnSeq
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) alnSeq.c -o alnSeq

CC=$(CC) make -C pythonPkg/ python;
CC=$(CC) make -C pythonPkg/ pythonlocal;

$(CC) -Wall -static --std=c99 -O0 -ggdb $(DEBUGFLAGS) $(SOURCE) -o alnSeqDebug
# Used to use -g, but -ggdb provides more info for gdb
$(CC) $(DEBUGFLAGS) alnSeq.c -o debugAlnSeq.o
gdb -x debugCMDs.txt debugAlnSeq.o
# edit debugCMDs.txt to change the gdb commands

#egcc $(COREFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) $(SOURCE) -o alnSeq
egcc $(COREFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) $(SOURCE) -o alnSeq
gcc $(COREFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) $(SOURCE) -o alnSeq
cc $(COREFLAGS) $(CFLAGS) $(SOURCE) -o alnSeq

# These settings are here for quick compiling

CC="$(CC)" make -C pythonPkg/ pythonlocal;

rm alnSeqDebug || printf ""; # Only thing to clean up
Expand All @@ -88,5 +60,5 @@ clean:
# || printf ""; is so it does not error out

mv alnSeq $(PREFIX) || mv alnSeqFast $(PREFIX) || mv alnSeqMid $(PREFIX) || printf "Unable to install alnSeq at %s\n Change this with make PREFIX=/path/to/install install\n" $(PREFIX) && exit;
chmod a+x $(PREFIX)/alnSeq*;
mv alnSeq $(PREFIX) || printf "Unable to install alnSeq at %s\n Change this with make PREFIX=/path/to/install install\n" $(PREFIX) && exit;
chmod a+x $(PREFIX)/alnSeq;
158 changes: 90 additions & 68 deletions
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@@ -1,17 +1,22 @@
# Use

AlnSeq uses a Smith Waterman and Needleman Wunsch alignment
that, depending on flags used when compiling can run
with memory usage of O(n \* m / 4) Bytes to O(n \* m)
Bytes. However, the O(n \* m / 4) is twice as slow as a
traditional Smith Waterman and Needleman Wunsch
alignment. AlnSeq also includes an Hirschberg alignment.
that can run with memory usage of O(n \* m / 4) bytes
(-two-bit) to O(n \* m) bytes. However, the -two-bit
method is twice as slow as a traditional Smith Waterman
and Needleman Wunsch alignment. AlnSeq also includes an
Hirschberg alignment and a memory efficent Waterman
alignment that operates with linear memory usage, but
only returns the score, and the starting and ending

AlnSeq is a standalone program that can also be compiled
as a python library.

There are faster and less memory hungry Waterman Smith
implementations than alnSeq. One example is the stripped
There are faster then any program currently in alnSeq
and ususe less memory then alnSeq's traditional
Waterman, but not less memory then its memory efficent
Waterman. One example is the stripped
Waterman Smith alignment, which I think reduces both
scoring and direction matrix to just a few rows. See
Expand All @@ -28,16 +33,8 @@ This program is dual licensed for MIT and CC0. Pick the
Right now I am back to work on this project. Things will
go a bit slowly, but I hope to get this finshed.

Currently I need to fix what I broke in my 20231022
update. The broken programs are the query/ref scans, the
two bit Hirschberg (only used if you compliled with
-DHIRSCHTWOBIT), and the two bit memory efficent Smith
Waterman (only used if you compiled with -DTWOBITMSW).
To get around this I included the last version of alnSeq
(20230908) in this repository, which does work.

The 20231022 update did make the Hirschberg faster, and
provided a small speed boost to the other programs.
Currently I need to complete vectorizing the Hirschberg
and fix some minor bugs.

# Building and running alnSeq

Expand All @@ -61,46 +58,25 @@ make
mv alnSeq /path/to/install
chmod a+x /path/to/install/alnSeq
# Alternative make commands
make fast
# This command disables the opening gap penalty,
# directional selection, and two bit arrys. This makes
# alnSeq behave somewhat similar to bio-alignment.
make mid
# This command disables directional selection and two
# bit arrays, but keeps the gap opening penalty. I would
# recomend using this command.

The compiled alnSeq program in this repository was
compild on void linux with musl. It should work on
any linux OS.

### Standalone, extra build options (standalone only)

The flags alnSeq can be compiled with are:

- disable gap opening penalty
- This is faster, but may produce lower quality
- -DBYTEMATRIX (default option)
- Waterman and Needleman use a byte matrix instead of
a two bit array matrix
- Alignment takes half the time, but also takes 4x more
- Have the Hirschberg use two bit arrays instead of byte
arrays for directions (only relevant if not using
- This doubles the time to make an alignment for a very
minor decrease in memory usage.
- This prevents the conversion of each base in the query
and reference sequences to an index for alignment.
- This option slows down the alignment slightly. The only
reason to use this option would be if the input case
of a sequence matters.
- Compiles the more memory efficient smith waterman with
two bit arrays. This will have little effect on memory,
but will slow it down.
- Use the full (127 elements) ascii table for the scoring
and matching matrix.
- These options force alnSeq to prefer only one direction
and disables all other options. This does speed up alnSeq
Expand All @@ -117,7 +93,7 @@ You can compile with these flags using
`make CFLAGS="flag"`. You can also compile multiple
flags with `make CFLAGS="falg1 flag2"`. One example is
the `make fast` command, which uses make

### How to run standalone alnSeq

Expand All @@ -143,6 +119,12 @@ alnSeq -use-water -query query.fasta -ref ref.fasta > out.aln
## For a very slow, but more memory efficent Waterman
alnSeq -use-mem-water -query query.fasta -ref ref.fasta > out.aln
## For no gap penalities (all aligners)
alnSeq -use-hirschberg -no-gapextend -ref ref.fa -query query.fa > out.aln
## With two bit arrays (Needleman and Waterman only)
alnSeq -use-needle -two-bit -ref ref.fa -query query.fa > out.aln
# File formatting
## Output an EMBOSS like file
Expand All @@ -165,9 +147,9 @@ alnSeq -print-positions -query query.fasta -ref ref.fasta -out out.aln

## How to complie alnSeq as a python library

For python alnSeq is compiled with -DBYTEMATRIX and
-DINSDELSNP. This install expects a gcc compile
(minigw or cygin for windows).
For python alnSeq is compiled with -DDELINSSNP. This
install expects a gcc compile (minigw or cygin for

You can change the compiler used with CC, but nothing else.

Expand All @@ -191,21 +173,26 @@ Required arguments are a reference (first argument or
ref = sequence) and query sequence (second argument or
query = sequence).

`alignedRef,alignedQuery = alnSeqfunction(refSeq,querySeq)`

Optional arguments include:

- gap opening score (gapOpen = -10)
- gap extension score (gapExtend = -1)
- reference start position (refStart = 0)
- reference ending position (refEnd = length(seq) - 1)
- query start position (queryStart = 0)
- query ending position (queryEnd = length(seq) - 1)
- do not use the gap extension score (noGapBool = 1)
- Use two bit arrays (Needle/Water only) (twoBitBool = 1)
- The path to a scoring matrix
(scoreMatrix = /path/to/matrix.txt)
- see scoring-matrix.txt for an example.
- The Waterman Smith alignment prints out only the aligned
regions. This can be disabled with fullAln=True.

`alignedRef,alignedQuery = alnSeqfunction(refSeq,querySeq)`
These options are not working as expected, do not use:

- reference start position (refStart = 0)
- reference ending position (refEnd = length(seq) - 1)
- query start position (queryStart = 0)
- query ending position (queryEnd = length(seq) - 1)

Function names:

Expand All @@ -229,12 +216,13 @@ One thing I do want to point out is that there are very

## The direction matrix

AlnSeq stores each direction in two bits for the Needleman
and Waterman alignments. These bits are packed
into an 8 bit integer. This reduces the directional
matrix size by 4, but comes at the cost of slower speed.
This also means that only one direction is stored,
instead of all possible alternatives.
The two bit option for the Needleman and Waterman
in alnSeq stores each direction in two bits.
These bits are packed into an 8 bit integer. This
reduces the directional matrix size by 4, but comes at
the cost of slower speed (about 2x slower). This also
means that only one direction is stored, instead of all
possible alternatives.

## The scoring matrix (Needleman/Waterman)

Expand All @@ -249,13 +237,43 @@ AlnSeq also reduces the scoring matrix down to one row,
AlnSeq also supports alternative alignments with
-query-ref-scan by storing the best score for each
reference base and each query base (Starting positions,
ending positions, score). The score, starting reference
position, starting query position, ending reference
position and ending query position are then printed
out (currently in the same file before the alignment).
There is no filter, so this will print out everything
that is at or above -min-score. This includes duplicate
ending positions, score). The score, an index for the
start of the alignment in a matrix, and an index for
the end of the alignment in the matrix. Index's are
converted to actual positions on the query and reference
and then printed out with the scores. The file to print
to by default is the file with the alignment, but this
can be changed with -alt-out (use "-alt-out -" to print
to stdout). One warning is that there is no filter
currently, so this will print out everything that is at
or above -min-score. This includes duplicate scores.

To reduce duplicates I only recored scores that are for
snps. I also spit out if the reference or query base
has priority for the score by the positon on the matrix.
If I am on the first half of the refernce I will allow
the reference base to keep the score. This increases my
chances of getting a score in the lower left quadrent.
For the last half of the reference I let the query
base have priority for the score. This should increase
my chances of getting a score in the upper right
quadrent. However, nothing is garunteed.

Reference Query
Gets Gets
Highest Highest
Score Score
Stajrt of | | |
Full | Upper left | Upper right | Parital alignments
Alignment | | |
Parital | | |
Alignment | Lower left | Lower right | Full alignment
| | |

## My memory efficient Waterman

Expand All @@ -267,11 +285,15 @@ The more memory efficient Waterman is slow, but it also
the alignment. I then use the Hirschberg to find the
best alignment. This means for you have to pay the time
cost of the alternative alignment and Hirschberg steps.
If you want to save time you can use "-only-scores" to
just print out the scores and starting positions.

# Some light benchmarking

## Benchmarking setup


For each benchmark I am using four different lengths of
genomes. The small genome is ~1700 bases, the Mid genome
is ~10000 bases, the large genome is roughly ~27000
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -487,7 +509,7 @@ Overall this was a good learning project that I will use

AlnSeq does not use decimals, so if you want decimals for
the gap extension penalty, so you will have to multiply
all scores by 10 to 1000.
all scores by 10 (maxium score is 127).

# Thanks

Expand Down
Binary file added alnSeq
Binary file not shown.

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