Hendra Kurniawan
Fullstack Developer @ PT Japfa Comfeed Indonesia with 11 yrs experience, skilled in Mobile Engineer (Flutter, Android, iOS).
PT Japfa Comfeed Indonesia Jakarta, Indonesia
Eddie Rodriguez
Problem solver, full-stack developer, consultant on a mission to help people and organizations leverage technology to get more done.
Atlanta, GA
Tung Nguyen
Creator of Jets, Terraspace, Lono, Kubes, Ufo, Cody, AWS Container Hero, Founder of BoltOps
boltops.com San Francisco, CA
Kamesh Kotwani
On my way to become a prominent Data Scientist.
University of Sheffield United Kingdom
Puneet Pandey
Open Source enthusiast, Solutions Provider and Technical Architect. A firm believer of Karma
HappyFunCorp, LLC Noida
Qiaochu Zhang
Full Stack Developer with skills in: Ruby, SQL, Java, JavaScript,
Ruby on Rails, Spring Framework, ReactJS, Redux, Node Heroku, Oracle Database, Postgres...
Atlanta, GA
0.01x Engineer. The (Myspace) Tom of GitHub. 11% of pre-tax income to effective altruism charities.
@grammarly (Formerly @pinterest, @Yelp) I love San Francisco
Philip Bradley
Elm / Elixir / Ruby / Javascript dev since 2005. Before that, PHP. Before that, Delphi. Before that, Lisp.
CS degree, Georgia Tech
Kandlepower Atlanta, GA
Emmanuel Ebole
With the power of Python, I bring you great programs.
I love working on Python and PHP/MySQL projects.
Let's connect
Techstacity Kenya