Releases: jenkinsci/plugin-util-api-plugin
Releases · jenkinsci/plugin-util-api-plugin
v5.1.0 🎁
💥 Breaking Changes
📦 Dependency Updates
- Bump one.util:streamex from 0.8.2 to 0.8.3 (#378) @dependabot
- Bump from 2.31.0 to 2.32.0 (#375) @dependabot
- Bump from 4.10.0 to 4.13.0 (#377) @dependabot
- Bump from 2.30.0 to 2.31.0 (#374) @dependabot
- Bump from 2.29.2 to 2.30.0 (#373) @dependabot
- Bump from 2.28.0 to 2.29.2 (#371) @dependabot
- Bump org.jvnet.hudson.plugins:analysis-pom from 8.5.0 to 8.6.0 (#367) @dependabot
- Bump org.testcontainers:testcontainers from 1.19.8 to 1.20.1 (#372) @dependabot
- Bump org.jvnet.hudson.plugins:analysis-pom from 8.4.0 to 8.5.0 (#364) @dependabot
- Bump codecov/codecov-action from 4.4.1 to 4.5.0 (#365) @dependabot
- Bump from 2.27.1 to 2.28.0 (#362) @dependabot
- Bump org.jvnet.hudson.plugins:analysis-pom from 7.4.0 to 8.1.2 (#359) @dependabot
- Bump codecov/codecov-action from 4.4.0 to 4.4.1 (#361) @dependabot
- Bump org.testcontainers:testcontainers from 1.19.7 to 1.19.8 (#356) @dependabot
- Bump from 3.42.0 to 4.10.0 (#357) @dependabot
- Bump codecov/codecov-action from 4.3.1 to 4.4.0 (#360) @dependabot
- Bump codecov/codecov-action from 4.3.0 to 4.3.1 (#352) @dependabot
- Bump from 2.26.1 to 2.27.1 (#353) @dependabot
- Bump remark-preset-lint-recommended from 6.1.3 to 7.0.0 (#343) @dependabot
- Test on Java 17/21 (#338) @basil
- Bump org.jvnet.hudson.plugins:analysis-pom from 7.3.0 to 7.4.0 (#333) @dependabot
- Bump from 2.25.0 to 2.26.1 (#335) @dependabot
- Bump codecov/codecov-action from 4.1.1 to 4.3.0 (#342) @dependabot
- Bump remark-lint from 9.1.2 to 10.0.0 (#344) @dependabot
- Bump from 1.7 to 1.8 (#346) @dependabot
- Bump org.testcontainers:testcontainers from 1.19.6 to 1.19.7 (#332) @dependabot
- Bump emibcn/badge-action from 2.0.2 to 2.0.3 (#329) @dependabot
- Bump codecov/codecov-action from 4.0.1 to 4.1.0 (#330) @dependabot
- Bump org.jvnet.hudson.plugins:analysis-pom from 7.2.0 to 7.3.0 (#331) @dependabot
🔧 Internal Changes
🚦 Tests
- Enable Jenkins Security Scan (#366) @strangelookingnerd
v4.1.0 🎁
✨ Improvements
- JENKINS-72059 - Add new quality gate options to alter the stage only (#309) @uhafner
📦 Dependency Updates
- Bump org.testcontainers:testcontainers from 1.19.5 to 1.19.6 (#327) @dependabot
- Bump org.jvnet.hudson.plugins:analysis-pom from 7.1.0 to 7.2.0 (#325) @dependabot
- Bump from 3.41.0 to 3.42.0 (#326) @dependabot
- Bump org.jvnet.hudson.plugins:analysis-pom from 7.0.0 to 7.1.0 (#322) @dependabot
- Bump org.testcontainers:testcontainers from 1.19.4 to 1.19.5 (#323) @dependabot
- Bump from 2.24.1 to 2.25.0 (#324) @dependabot
- Bump kentaro-m/auto-assign-action from 1.2.6 to 2.0.0 (#318) @dependabot
- Bump codecov/codecov-action from 3.1.6 to 4.0.1 (#320) @dependabot
- Bump release-drafter/release-drafter from 5.25.0 to 6.0.0 (#321) @dependabot
- Bump codecov/codecov-action from 3.1.5 to 3.1.6 (#317) @dependabot
- Bump from 3.40.0 to 3.41.0 (#313) @dependabot
- Bump org.jvnet.hudson.plugins:analysis-pom from 6.17.0 to 7.0.0 (#314) @dependabot
- Bump codecov/codecov-action from 3.1.4 to 3.1.5 (#315) @dependabot
- Bump org.testcontainers:testcontainers from 1.19.3 to 1.19.4 (#316) @dependabot
- Bump from 3.32.0 to 3.40.0 (#312) @dependabot
- Bump kentaro-m/auto-assign-action from 1.2.5 to 1.2.6 (#311) @dependabot
- Bump from 2.24.0 to 2.24.1 (#310) @dependabot
v3.8.0 🎁
🐛 Bug Fixes
- JENKINS-72317 - Use Jenkins.READ permission check for all list box models (#296) @uhafner
📦 Dependency Updates
- Bump from 3.25.0 to 3.30.0 (#306) @dependabot
- Bump from 2.23.0 to 2.24.0 (#308) @dependabot
- Bump github/codeql-action from 2 to 3 (#307) @dependabot
- Bump org.jvnet.hudson.plugins:analysis-pom from 6.16.0 to 6.17.0 (#305) @dependabot
- Bump actions/setup-java from 3 to 4 (#303) @dependabot
- Bump org.testcontainers:testcontainers from 1.19.2 to 1.19.3 (#299) @dependabot
- Bump org.jvnet.hudson.plugins:analysis-pom from 6.14.0 to 6.16.0 (#302) @dependabot
- Bump org.testcontainers:testcontainers from 1.19.1 to 1.19.2 (#297) @dependabot
- Bump from 3.24.0 to 3.25.0 (#295) @dependabot
- Bump from 2.22.0 to 2.23.0 (#294) @dependabot
- Bump from 3.23.0 to 3.24.0 (#291) @dependabot
- Bump release-drafter/release-drafter from 5.24.0 to 5.25.0 (#293) @dependabot
🔧 Internal Changes
v3.7.0 🎁
🐛 Bug Fixes
- JENKINS-72317 - Use Jenkins.READ permission check for all list box models (#296) @uhafner
📦 Dependency Updates
- Bump from 3.25.0 to 3.30.0 (#306) @dependabot
- Bump from 2.23.0 to 2.24.0 (#308) @dependabot
- Bump github/codeql-action from 2 to 3 (#307) @dependabot
- Bump org.jvnet.hudson.plugins:analysis-pom from 6.16.0 to 6.17.0 (#305) @dependabot
- Bump actions/setup-java from 3 to 4 (#303) @dependabot
- Bump org.testcontainers:testcontainers from 1.19.2 to 1.19.3 (#299) @dependabot
- Bump org.jvnet.hudson.plugins:analysis-pom from 6.14.0 to 6.16.0 (#302) @dependabot
- Bump org.testcontainers:testcontainers from 1.19.1 to 1.19.2 (#297) @dependabot
- Bump from 3.24.0 to 3.25.0 (#295) @dependabot
- Bump from 2.22.0 to 2.23.0 (#294) @dependabot
- Bump from 3.23.0 to 3.24.0 (#291) @dependabot
- Bump release-drafter/release-drafter from 5.24.0 to 5.25.0 (#293) @dependabot
🔧 Internal Changes
v3.6.0 🎁
v3.5.0 🎁
📦 Dependency Updates
- Bump org.testcontainers:testcontainers from 1.19.0 to 1.19.1 (#288) @dependabot
- Bump org.jvnet.hudson.plugins:analysis-pom from 6.13.0 to 6.14.0 (#287) @dependabot
- Bump from 3.21.0 to 3.22.0 (#289) @dependabot
v3.4.0 🎁
📦 Dependency Updates
- Bump org.jvnet.hudson.plugins:analysis-pom from 6.12.0 to 6.13.0 (#286) @dependabot
- Bump from 2.21.1 to 2.22.0 (#284) @dependabot
- Bump from 3.19.0 to 3.21.0 (#285) @dependabot
- Bump actions/checkout from 3 to 4 (#279) @dependabot
- Bump remark-cli from 11.0.0 to 12.0.0 (#282) @dependabot
- Bump org.jvnet.hudson.plugins:analysis-pom from 6.10.0 to 6.12.0 (#281) @dependabot
- Bump org.testcontainers:testcontainers from 1.18.3 to 1.19.0 (#276) @dependabot
- Bump codecov/codecov-action from 3 to 4 (#280) @dependabot
- Bump from 2.20.0 to 2.21.1 (#275) @dependabot
- Bump one.util:streamex from 0.8.1 to 0.8.2 (#277) @dependabot
- Bump git-changelist-maven-extension from 1.6 to 1.7 (#273) @dependabot
- Bump error_prone_annotations from 2.19.1 to 2.20.0 (#271) @dependabot
- Bump release-drafter/release-drafter from 5.23.0 to 5.24.0 (#272) @dependabot
- Bump codingstyle from 3.17.0 to 3.19.0 (#270) @dependabot
v3.3.0 🎁
📦 Dependency Updates
- Bump testcontainers from 1.18.1 to 1.18.3 (#268) @dependabot
- Bump analysis-pom from 6.9.0 to 6.10.0 (#269) @dependabot
- Bump analysis-pom from 6.8.0 to 6.9.0 (#266) @dependabot
- Bump analysis-pom from 6.7.0 to 6.8.0 (#264) @dependabot
- Bump codingstyle from 3.16.0 to 3.17.0 (#265) @dependabot
v3.2.1 🎁
📦 Dependency Updates
- Bump codingstyle from 3.15.0 to 3.16.0 (#260) @dependabot
- Bump testcontainers from 1.18.0 to 1.18.1 (#263) @dependabot
- Bump analysis-pom from 6.6.0 to 6.7.0 (#262) @dependabot
- Bump error_prone_annotations from 2.19.0 to 2.19.1 (#261) @dependabot
- Bump error_prone_annotations from 2.18.0 to 2.19.0 (#259) @dependabot
- Bump codingstyle from 3.14.0 to 3.15.0 (#258) @dependabot
- Bump testcontainers from 1.17.6 to 1.18.0 (#256) @dependabot
- Bump analysis-pom from 6.5.0 to 6.6.0 (#255) @dependabot
- Bump release-drafter/release-drafter from 5.21.1 to 5.23.0 (#254) @dependabot
🚦 Tests
v3.2.0 🎁
📦 Dependency Updates
- Bump analysis-pom from 6.2.0 to 6.5.0 (#253) @dependabot
- Bump codingstyle from 3.12.0 to 3.14.0 (#251) @dependabot