Tags: jenia90/vscode
Merge pull request microsoft#80273 from microsoft/rebornix/fix-kb-fin… …d-win32 Correct kb validation for windows ctrl.
Merge pull request microsoft#79227 from microsoft/cacheFix build: add quality to compile cache key
Merge pull request microsoft#78659 from microsoft/rebornix/removecache Update cache salt
Merge pull request microsoft#76917 from mjbvz/fixes-76851 Fix lifecycle for code actions that are updated while the code action menu is already showing
Removes a few extraneous telemetry build pieces (microsoft#76479)
Merge pull request microsoft#74813 from microsoft/roblou/bumpDistro Bump distro for shell env changes
Merge pull request microsoft#73795 from microsoft/aeschli/stable-1.34.0 stable 1.34.0