I created this stack to facilite the integration of Express web server with a pug template engine and MongoDB Installation from Mlab.
There is alson a json web token integration with a functionning sign in/up/out authentification with session based storage.
It is possible to configure the settings in a config.js file installed. (This file exports a 'config' object. The settings are set and retrieved via dot notation)
Create an object and then assign how may properties you need elsewhere. (port number, db connection, project name and branded copy.)
//Create the config object
var config = {};
// Set a property to the 'title' key of the object
config.title = 'My Application Title';
//Export the object so you can access it by requiring it elsewhere
module.exports = config;
Simply require the config object in a variable named how you like. (I named it 'config' to facilitate the comprehension of my code)
// Require the config object and store it in a variable named 'config'
var config = require('./config.js')
// Render the template named index and assign the value of config.title to the title property of that template.
return res.render({title: config.title}, 'index')
$ git clone https://github.com/jelecool/mongo-express-pug-node
$ npm install
$ npm start
Thanks for using my boilerplate. And please, tell me some constructive comments! Safe coding guys!