A web application that aggregates and displays job notices from various Computer Science departments of different universities.
FastAPI: Modern, fast web framework for building APIs with Python
- High performance, easy to use, and automatic API documentation
- Used for handling HTTP requests and serving the web application
- Async support for better performance
SQLAlchemy: SQL toolkit and ORM
- Database model definitions and relationships
- Database migrations and schema management
- Used for all database operations
PyMySQL: MySQL client library for Python
- Database connector for MySQL
- Used for establishing connections with the MySQL database
Bootstrap 5: Frontend CSS framework
- Responsive grid system
- Pre-built components
- Modern UI design
Jinja2: Template engine for Python
- Server-side rendering of HTML
- Template inheritance and reusability
- Dynamic content generation
- MySQL: Relational database
- Stores all notice data
- Maintains data consistency and relationships
- Efficient querying and indexing
Docker: Containerization platform
- Application containerization
- Development and production environment consistency
- Easy deployment and scaling
Docker Compose: Multi-container Docker applications
- Service orchestration
- Environment variable management
- Container networking
Nginx: Web server and reverse proxy
- Serves static files
- Load balancing
- SSL/TLS termination
- Reverse proxy to FastAPI application
- BeautifulSoup4: Web scraping library
- HTML parsing
- Data extraction from university websites
- Clean and maintainable scraping code
├── app/
│ ├── crawler/ # Web crawlers for different universities
│ ├── db/ # Database models and operations
│ ├── static/ # Static files (CSS, JS)
│ ├── templates/ # Jinja2 HTML templates
│ └── main.py # FastAPI application entry point
├── docker-compose.yml
├── Dockerfile
├── requirements.txt
└── init_db.sh
- Aggregates notices from multiple university CS departments
- Real-time search functionality
- Pagination for better user experience
- Responsive design for mobile and desktop
- Automated crawling every 6 hours