A boilerplate setup including: Rails, React, Apollo(React), Ruby-GraphQL, Typescript, Styled-Components, ESLint + Prettier, Docker-Compose
Run rails s Run bin/webpack-dev-server in separate terminal Navigate to localhost:3000
Create .jsx or .tsx files in the /app/javascript/components folder. The Root.tsx file is the main component, the ApolloClient is defined in that file. Nest your new component somewhere under the Root component, and it's all straight React from there.
In .env
Run the app:
docker-compose up
In a separate terminal, create the database:
docker-compose run web rails db:create db:migrate
Once webpacker has compiled (will notify you in docker-compose up terminal), open http://localhost:3000
To ensure webpacker is hot reloading edit files to /app/javascript/components/* and see your browser refresh
docker-compose exec web bash