This is my emacs configuration that I started on May 12 2014. It takes the following functionality from /purcell/emacs.d:
- Package management without committing the elpa package
- Ruby / Ruby on Rails
- Common Lisp (with Slime)
- Solarized theme switching
- Other bootstrap initialization
It also includes the graphene package that adds some other functionality to emacs such as:
- project-persist
- smartparens
- auto complete
- web-mode
- smex
- ido
- flycheck
- better looking defaults
There are other useful defaults that graphene adds that you should check out over on their github.
My emacs.d also includes evil-mode by default. This can be easily
disabled by commenting out its require line in init.el
To install, clone this repo into your home directory with the following command:
git clone ~/.emacs.d
As in purcell's emacs.d, when you start Emacs for the first time, it
will install all of the additional packages into ~/.emacs.d/elpa