Ontology Builder is a low-code library to build ontologies from source data holding explicit semantic relationships. Once exported to a standard semantic web format, it is easier to view and manipulate semantic content than in the original .toml, .json, or spreadsheet.
- Source data in
(toml files) - Ontology metadata in
class in./ontology/pet_ontology.py
To run
pip install -e requirements.txt
python ontology_builder.py -m templates/simple_pet_ontology.yaml
The output is a file as listed in the metadata. It can be imported by Protégé
There are two components, a metadata file describing the ontology and an ontology class where the semantic relations are converted to RDF triples
The build engine needs to know how to process the source. This is a sample metadata yaml (see ./templates
name: Pet Ontology
ontology: PetOntology
class_definition: ./ontology/pet_ontology.py
namespace: http://aevea.com/ontologies/pets#
source_directory: ./samples/pets
file_extension: .toml
output_file: pets.ttl
- Human
- Animal
- caregiver_for: OWL.ObjectProperty
- sibling_of: OWL.ObjectProperty
- name: OWL.DatatypeProperty
entity_name_field: name
- name
- type
- has_sibling
- caregiver_for
These are used as follows:
- name - The name of the ontology.
- ontology - The class that creates triples from the source
- class_definition - The Python file where the ontology class is defined
- namespace - Default namespace for the ontology (defaults to "http://example.org/")
- source_directory - The root folder for source files
- file_extension - The file extension for source files that are processed
- output_file - The serialized ontology outputted to a file
- classes - Classes required for the ontology
- predicates - Predicates and corresponding types required for the ontology
- entity_name_field - The source data field used to create the ontology entty
- handlers - custom functions that create the ontology triples
For the main ontology class to know how to build the ontology it needs a way to create triples from the source content. This is done in the PetOntology
class as follows
consists of
name = "Lucy"
type = "Cat"
siblings = ["Shadow"]
This file is about Lucy. The build function calls the create_subject
method to create the triple ("Lucy" RDF.type "Cat")
where "Cat" was already created as a class declared in the metadata. "Lucy" and "Cat" both use the namespace defined in the metadata.
Relationships correspond to the handlers listed in the metadata. For example, the builder knows how to create a triple from the "siblings" key in the toml
def handle_siblings(self, item_data):
siblings = item_data.get('siblings')
if siblings is not None:
for sibling in siblings:
self.add_triple(self.entity, self.ns['has_sibling'], self.ns[sibling])
Every key used to generate triples must be included in the metadata handlers section, and every such key corresponds to a method named handle_<key>
that takes the file payload and creates triples.
This is a full end-to-end explanation using the pets data set.
The metadata file is already defined. See templates/simple_pet_ontology.yaml
(see above).
The ontology is built off .toml
files. For example, shadow.toml
consists of
name = "Shadow"
type = "Cat"
siblings = ["Lucy"]
This becomes triples as follows:
- The
creates the triple ("Shadow" RDF.type "Cat"). - The
method creates the triple ("Shadow" "has_sibling" "Lucy"). Note thathas_sibling
was included in the metadata a predicate with type OWL.ObjectTypeProperty whereassiblings
is a field in the toml.