Hello @jdah,
Cool project! I enjoyed your video and I wanted to try it myself.
To start, I looked into your implementation, but I noticed that the project wasn't prepared out-of-the-box for Windows. However, given that your code and libraries seemed already platform independent, I added native Windows Support in 25 minutes... with premake5.
Let's be real, Windows is still the most used OS worldwide, especially in gaming, and it's also a pleasure to develop on. I hope you don't mind that I created this patch. Only 2 changes were necessary in your code, a missing explicit cast in worldgen and a little bug fix in the sort header -- likely related to the switch to Clang instead of GCC.
- git clone
- git submodule update --init --recursive
- download and unpack contents of patch (the source folder should be merged carefully, isntead of copy paste...)
- execute generate-build.bat
- open visual studio and press play
Yes, I could also offer you a PR, but as it seems you don't care about/like Windows or Microsoft for some reason, maybe you don't want to support it, I don't know. I thought that there are a lot of people out there, that could benefit from your project, so I decided to pack everything to a small zip file and upload it here.