- Seattle, WA
- http://blog.monstuff.com
- @jcouv
roslyn Public
Forked from dotnet/roslynThe .NET Compiler Platform ("Roslyn") provides open-source C# and Visual Basic compilers with rich code analysis APIs.
csharplang Public
Forked from dotnet/csharplangThe official repo for the design of the C# programming language
UpdatedDec 18, 2024 -
csharpstandard Public
Forked from dotnet/csharpstandardWorking space for ECMA-TC49-TG2, the C# standard committee.
C# Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International UpdatedSep 24, 2024 -
github-toggle-sidebar Public
Chrome extension to hide the sidebar on the right of GitHub issues and PRs
JavaScript Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal UpdatedMay 24, 2024 -
grok-1 Public
Forked from xai-org/grok-1Grok open release
Python Apache License 2.0 UpdatedMar 18, 2024 -
runtime Public
Forked from dotnet/runtime.NET is a cross-platform runtime for cloud, IoT, and desktop apps.
C# MIT License UpdatedJan 19, 2023 -
roslyn-analyzers Public
Forked from dotnet/roslyn-analyzersC# Apache License 2.0 UpdatedOct 31, 2022 -
razor-compiler Public
Forked from dotnet/razor-compilerThis repo houses the Razor Compiler, which is part of the .NET SDK
C# MIT License UpdatedJul 7, 2022 -
visualstudio-docs Public
Forked from MicrosoftDocs/visualstudio-docsThis repo is the home of the official Visual Studio, Visual Studio for Mac, Visual Studio Subscriptions, and Scripting Technologies documentation for Microsoft.
Shell Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International UpdatedApr 12, 2022 -
dmca Public
Forked from github/dmcaRepository with text of DMCA takedown notices as received. GitHub does not endorse or adopt any assertion contained in the following notices. Users identified in the notices are presumed innocent u…
Rich Text Format UpdatedOct 26, 2020 -
VisualStudio Public
Forked from github/VisualStudioGitHub Extension for Visual Studio
C# MIT License UpdatedJul 19, 2020 -
docs Public
Forked from dotnet/docsThis repository contains .NET Documentation.
PowerShell Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International UpdatedFeb 14, 2020 -
dotnet-api-docs Public
Forked from dotnet/dotnet-api-docs.NET API reference documentation (.NET Framework, .NET Core, .NET Standard and Xamarin)
Shell Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International UpdatedJan 23, 2020 -
project-system Public
Forked from dotnet/project-systemThe C#, F# and Visual Basic project system for Visual Studio
C# Other UpdatedOct 9, 2018 -
dotnet-ci Public
Forked from dotnet/dotnet-ciRepository containing scripting for the dotnet-ci Jenkins instance.
Groovy MIT License UpdatedJul 9, 2018 -
async-iterators Public
Exploring a manual implementation of async iterators (prototyping async-streams for C# 8.0)
NullableReferenceTypes Public
Forked from bgrainger/NullableReferenceTypesInvestigation into C# 8.0 nullable reference types
C# UpdatedMay 9, 2018 -
corert Public
Forked from dotnet/corertThis repo contains CoreRT, a .NET Core runtime optimized for AOT (ahead of time compilation) scenarios, with the accompanying .NET Native compiler toolchain.
C# MIT License UpdatedMar 17, 2018 -
xunit Public
Forked from xunit/xunitxUnit.net is a free, open source, community-focused unit testing tool for the .NET Framework.
C# Other UpdatedOct 29, 2017 -
corefx Public
Forked from dotnet/corefxThis repo contains the .NET Core foundational libraries, called CoreFX. It includes classes for collections, file systems, console, XML, async and many others.
C# MIT License UpdatedMay 10, 2017 -
coreclr Public
Forked from dotnet/coreclrThis repo contains the .NET Core runtime, called CoreCLR, and the base library, called mscorlib. It includes the garbage collector, JIT compiler, base .NET data types and many low-level classes.
C# MIT License UpdatedFeb 2, 2017 -