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Validating LLVM with random programs

Jeff Bush edited this page Oct 29, 2017 · 17 revisions

The llvm-stress utility is a tool included with LLVM that is compiled as part of the normal build. It generates random LLVM Intermediate Representation programs, using information about the target. These programs won't run correctly and can't be checked for correct code generation, but can catch crashes or unsupported IR constructs.

  1. Add build directory to path

     export PATH=.../NyuziToolchain/build/bin:$PATH
  2. Generate random stream

     llvm-stress -size 1000 -o stress.ll
  3. Run test

     llc -o - stress.ll

If this fails, isolate the failure using instructions in Debugging Backend Crashes with bugpoint

The following script will run this in a loop:


while :
  echo "$SEED"
  PROGLEN=$(($RANDOM % 2000))
  llvm-stress -seed=$SEED -o stress.ll -size=$PROGLEN
  if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
    echo "llvm-stress failed"
    exit 1

  llc stress.ll
  if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
      echo "PASS"
      cp stress.ll fail$SEED.ll

The bugpoint program can be used in tandem with llvm-stress to find crashes by trying lots of different optimization options. Unfortunately, it currently returns an error because of a missing target library:

bugpoint -find-bugs -llc-safe stress.ll 
/Users/jeffbush/src/NyuziToolchain/build/bin/ld.lld: error: unable to find library -lm

There are a number of newer utilities for fuzzing parts of LLVM: