textmate-bundles Public
TextMate syntax highlighting bundles ready to drop into a Mac for use on a Fresh TextMate install.
Ruby UpdatedMar 6, 2021 -
padge-scripts Public
These are quick scripts I wrote to solve daily stuff. Fork, extend, and enjoy.
hello-world-repo Public
My collection of Hello World apps for testing.
proxy_tools Public
Proxy tools and configs to exist in corp land and at home
wsl-configs Public
WSL (Windows Subsytem for Linux) configs and notes
AzureBlobsWithSAS Public
Forked from jmarymee/AzureBlobsWithSASThis is a demo site for uploading and downloading Azure Blobs using SAS keys and URLs
vim-configs Public
Vim with line numbers, syntax highlighters, clipboard support, syntastic lint checkers, and NERDTree
Vim Script UpdatedAug 21, 2016 -
azure-arm-templates Public
Azure resource manager templates for deployments to the Azure cloud.
1 UpdatedMay 25, 2016 -
vagrantfiles Public
These are a collection of Vagrantfiles to do local (pre-commit) testing using Virtualbox + Vagrant + other things.
devops-kungfu Public
Forked from chef-boneyard/devops-kungfuChef Style DevOps Kung fu
ddd_sample_app_ruby Public
Forked from paulrayner/ddd_sample_app_rubyIdiomatic Ruby port of the DDD sample application
openstack-lbaas-f5-bigip Public
This is F5 BIG-IP LTM driver for OpenStack LBaaS project