JBang plugin is a plugin for IntelliJ IDEA to integrate JBang.
The following features are available:
- JBang project wizard: create JBang project by IDEA project wizard
- JSON Schema for jbang-catalog.json and code completion for
- JDKs sync with JBang: sync JDKs from JBang to IntelliJ IDEA
- JBang script creation from file templates: New -> JBang Script
- JBang directives completion: for example
- Sync Dependencies between JBang and Gradle
- Sync Dependencies to IDEA's module when using
idea .
to open JBang project - JBang Run Line Marker for
///usr/bin/env jbang
- Java scratch file support
- Run Configuration support: run JBang script by right click
- file name end with '.java', '.kt', '.groovy' or '.jsh'
- file code should contain
///usr/bin/env jbang
- GAV completion for
- text without colon - full text search
, and words seperated by.
- text with one colon - artifact search based on groupId
- text with two colons - version search based on groupId and artifactId
- text without colon - full text search
Right lick JBang script and Choose Sync JBang DEPS
and sync dependencies between JBang script and build.gradle.
- Gradle Groovy support now: only detect
- After sync, and you need to click
floating button if without Auto-Reloading enabled - Dependency remove detection: if you want to delete dependencies, and you should delete lines in build.gradle and script file by hand.
Preferences > Plugins > Marketplace > Search for "jbang" > Install Plugin > Restart IntelliJ IDEA
$ # JDK 11 required
$ ./gradlew -x test patchPluginXml buildPlugin
Preferences > Plugins > Gear Icon Right Click > Install Plugin from Disk > Choose $PROJECT_DIR/build/distributions/jbang-idea-plugin-0.x.0.zip > Restart IntelliJ IDEA