React Native Boilerplate (RNB) based on TS react-native cli default boilerplate with a few additions.
React Native version: 0.64.1
This template was tested running only on Android, so it may not work right out-of-box on iOS without a few adjustments. If it does or does not, tell me! :)
- TypeScript
- Atomic Design structure
- Splash Screen.
- Test file example
- GitHub workflow yml file for CI automated build
- Script for renaming project title
- Configured Lint
There are a few bash scripts inside /scripts
To use any one of them, you need to first set them as executable with chmod +x <script_file_name>
E.g.: chmod +x scripts/
, if you are in the project root, to set
script file as executable
Ps.: The scripts were only tested on Arch Linux, but since they are simple bash scripts, they should probably work on other linux distros, but less likely on other Operational Systems.
Usage: ./scripts/ <current_project_title> <new_project_title>
This script will rename your project title in different files to reflect on your project and app. These files paths can be found in the script file under "Changes directories and files names" section. It accepts two arguments, being the:
- Arg 1: The old (current) project name
- Arg 2: The new project name
If you only provide one argument, the old or current project name will be assumed to be 'RNBoilerplate', since it's the default name of the project when you clone this repository.
E.g.: ./scripts/ RNBoilerplate AwesomeRNProject
Usage: ./scripts/
This script will remove this '' file and '.git' hidden folder.