- Open PDF.js & ePub viewer in Electron
- Disable nodeIntegration and webSecurity
- Using ipc to communicate within electron between main / renderer threads
- Using http server to receive commands issued from emacs that controls pdf.js
- Adapted from https://github.com/seanchas116/electron-pdfjs
- http functions referenced from http://openlab.ring.gr.jp/skk/skk/main/experimental/skk-search-web.el
git submodule update --init
host = ''
mpvstart = '--script=~/parentDir/obafgkm/copyTime.js'
mpvimgsavepath = '~/parentDir/img/'
viewerPort = 6968
explorerPort = 8880
serverroot = '../..'
viewerurl = 'obafgkm/pdf.js/build/generic/web/viewer.html'
viewerurl1 = 'obafgkm/my-mind/index.html'
viewerurl2 = 'obafgkm/epubjs-reader/reader/index.html'
(org-add-link-type "pdfbmk" 'org-pdf-jump2 'org-pdf-export)
(org-add-link-type "epubbmk" 'org-epub-jump2 nil)
(org-add-link-type "mpv" 'org-mpv-jump2 nil)
(setq adobe-prog2 "C:\\Progra~1\\Adobe\\Acroba~1\\Acrobat\\Acrobat.exe")
(defun org-pdf-jump2 (bmk2)
(let* ((bmk (org-link-decode bmk2))(p1 (string-match (regexp-quote "=") bmk))
(query (split-string bmk "&")) )
(message (concat (nth 0 query) " & " (nth 1 query)))
(condition-case e
(if p1 (skk-url-retrieve (concat pdfjs-url "gotobmk?file=" bmk) 'utf-8)
(if (string-match (regexp-quote "[") bmk) (skk-url-retrieve (concat pdfjs-url "gotobmk?file=" (nth 0 query) "&explicitDest=" (nth 1 query)) 'utf-8)
(skk-url-retrieve (concat pdfjs-url "gotobmk?file=" (nth 0 query) "&nameddest=" (nth 1 query)) 'utf-8)
(if p1 (start-process-shell-command "my-process" "foo" (concat " \"" httpd-root "/" bmk "\""))
(start-process-shell-command "my-process" "foo" (concat adobe-prog2 " /A \"" "nameddest=" (nth 1 query) "\" \"" (expand-file-name (concat httpd-root "/" (nth 0 query))) "\""))
(message "obafgkm not started!! fall back to vanilla browser.")
(defun org-epub-jump2 (bmk2)
(let* ((bmk (org-link-decode bmk2))
(query (split-string bmk "#")) )
(message (concat (nth 0 query) " # " (nth 1 query)))
(condition-case e
(skk-url-retrieve (concat pdfjs-url "gotobmk2?bookPath=" (nth 0 query) "&hash=" (nth 1 query)) 'utf-8)
(message "obafgkm not started!!")
(defun org-mpv-jump2 (bmk2)
(let* ((bmk (org-link-decode bmk2))(p1 (string-match (regexp-quote "#") bmk))
(query (split-string bmk "#")) )
(message (concat (nth 0 query) " # " (nth 1 query)))
(condition-case e
(if p1 (skk-url-retrieve (concat pdfjs-url "gotompv?file=" (nth 0 query) "&start=" (nth 1 query)) 'utf-8)
(if p1
(start-process-shell-command "mvp-process" "mvp-buffer"
(concat "mpv --script=~/Dropbox/obafgkm/copyTime.js --start=+" (nth 1 query) " https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=" (nth 0 query)))
(start-process-shell-command "mvp-process" "mvp-buffer"
(concat "mpv --start=+" (nth 1 query) " https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=" (nth 0 query) ))
(message "obafgkm not started!! fall back to mpv, a media player based on MPlayer and mplayer2.")
(defun skk-url-retrieve (url coding-system)
"URL を取得する。戻り値は decode-coding-string である."
(let (buf p)
(message (concat "url: " url))
(setq buf (let (
(url-request-method "GET")
(url-max-redirextions 0))
(url-retrieve-synchronously url))) ; return BUFFER contain data
(when (setq p (url-http-symbol-value-in-buffer
'url-http-end-of-headers buf))
(with-current-buffer buf
(decode-coding-string (buffer-substring (1+ p)
(when buf
(kill-buffer buf)))))
(defun skk-url-retrieve2 (url coding-system)
"URL を取得する。戻り値は decode-coding-string である."
(let (buf p)
(message (concat "url: " url))
(setq buf (let (
(url-request-method "GET")
(url-max-redirextions 0))
(url-retrieve-synchronously url))) ; return BUFFER contain data
(when (setq p (url-http-symbol-value-in-buffer
'url-http-end-of-headers buf))
(with-current-buffer buf
(decode-coding-string (buffer-substring (1+ p)
(when buf
(kill-buffer buf)))))