I'm javalsai, I enjoy developing backend, terminal apps or network stuff. While I try to avoid web, mobile and game dev (I just don't like the complexity of building GUIs).
I'm a huge Linux nerd and love messing around with the internals of my system, like filesystems, init systems, network settings...
I also love hosting my own stuff like gitea, email, file server or http/s servers.
- 🔒 GPG/PGP:
Don't let these fool you, haskell and lua are just for my dotfiles, and I do a lot of TS and rust, it's simply private, contibutions or just local stuff.
- javalsai/lidm: A ✨fully✨ colorful cutomizable TUI display manager made in C for simplicity.
- javalsai/lipl: Light rust IP logger (nix config for cross compile to armv7a-hf)
- javalsai/micstream-android: Android app to stream microphone into a TCP stream (custom block size).
- Pickzelle/MrKonqi: MrKonqi is TuxCord's official Discord bot.
- javalsai/ronki: Just as pickzelle's MrKonqi, but made in rust and with cooler features.