CafeBazaar In-App Billing package for flutter this package is just for android applications and not work on ios
This plugin is just for Android applications
cafebazaar_flutter: <Last Version>
Adding the com.farsitel.bazaar.permission.PAY_THROUGH_BAZAAR permission to your AndroidManifest.xml file
<uses-permission android:name="com.farsitel.bazaar.permission.PAY_THROUGH_BAZAAR" />
import 'package:cafebazaar_flutter/cafebazaar_flutter.dart';
- All method be static and don't need to initialize any class
CafebazaarFlutter.showProgramPage("packageName") // Replace "package Name" with Your application Package Name. you can find package name on gradle file
CafebazaarFlutter.setComment("packageName") // Replace "package Name" with Your application Package Name. you can find package name on gradle file
CafebazaarFlutter.showDeveloperPage("developerId") // Replace "developerId" with Your developerId in CafeBazaar
For use In-app purchases on your application use below code جهت استفاده از پرداخت درون برنامه ای به صورت زیر عملکنید.
use async and await
await CafebazaarFlutter.initPay(rsaKey:"Your RSA Key From CafeBazaar");
To start a purchase request from your app, call the launchPurchaseFlow
method on the In-app Billing plugin
Map<String,dynamic> result = await CafebazaarFlutter.launchPurchaseFlow(
sku: "wm2", consumption: false,payload:"bGoa+V7g/yqDXvKRqq+JTFn4uQZbPiQJo4pf9RzJ");
// after pay you get some data from Cafebazaar, if you get response code -1005 the payment is canceled by the user and if get code 0 the payment is Success
: your product id on CafeBazaar -
: if your product is not a subscriber type you must consume it, For product consumption, set the consumption to true
: زمانی که محصول شما از نوع اشتراکی نباشد و از نوع مصرفی می باشد باید ان را مصرف کنید تا در خرید ها بعدی کاربر بتواند ان را خریداری کند بجت مصرف یک محصول consumption را به صورت true تنظیم کنید
: The developerPayload
String is used to specify any additional arguments that you want Bazaar to send back along with the purchase information.
- Result If pay is success
"isSuccess": "true",
"message":"Success (response: 0:OK)",
Map<String,dynamic> result = CafebazaarFlutter.getPurchase(sku:"your product sku") // you can find sku(product id) in your application in-app section
// you get the payment details if you consumption the product result is null
- Security Recommendation: When you send a purchase request, create a String token that uniquely identifies this purchase request and include this token in the developerPayload.You can use a randomly generated string as the token. When you receive the purchase response from Bazaar, make sure to check the returned data signature, the orderId, and the developerPayload String. For added security, you should perform the checking on your own secure server. Make sure to verify that the orderId is a unique value that you have not previously processed, and the developerPayload String matches the token that you sent previously with the purchase request.
bool result = await CafebazaarFlutter.verifyDeveloperPayload("your developerPayload");
- Important: Remember to unbind from the In-app Billing service when you are done with your Activity. If you don’t unbind, the open service connection could cause your device’s performance to degrade. This example shows how to perform the unbind operation on a service connection to In-app Billing called mServiceConn by overriding the activity’s onDestroy method.
await CafebazaarFlutter.dispose();