The dashboard project is frozen on InfluxDB 1.8, and migration to 2.0 feels like a pipedream... There are many more priorities to tackle. If the community is going to tackle a migration, going to something more stable might be better.
Where to migrate to? That I'm unsure of. This issue is to discuss the options.
Eventually the project will need to leave InfluxDB 1.x, and 2.x is not a slam-dunk replacement as it requires a massive re-write/migration. InfluxDB 3.x is on the horizon, and it is AGAIN a full re-write and requires re-writing queries. The marketing materials for InfluxDB 3.0 seem to know that most users are still on 1.8, as they're benchmarking against that, not 2.x:
Doing a full re-write every few years is simply not a viable answer here.
What to use instead?
Here's a useful website that has some alternatives:
- Advantage: Based on PostgresSQL, effectively industry standard.
- Advantage: Seems to have an easy drop-in migration path from Influx.
- Advantage: CNCF standard. Plays well with the Kubernetes folks.
I've left disadvantages as an exercise for the reader!