<img src=“https://codeclimate.com/github/jason-hobbs/Core/badges/gpa.svg” /> <img alt=“Status?branch=master” src=“https://codeship.com/projects/4fd3f560-efbb-0132-1299-467c643acace/status?branch=master” />
Comment system experiment in Rails 4 and Ruby 2. Demo site at limitless-citadel-4467.herokuapp.com/
login is test@test.com and Testing1 for the password.
If building you will have to supply:
config/database.yml config/secrets.yml
You can get copies of these files at: github.com/jason-hobbs/configyml
Demo app uses Postgresql.
Clone and enter directory, then run:
bundle (After creating secrets.yml and database.yml)
rake db:create
rake db:migrate
rake db:seed
Finally, run ‘rails s’ to start a server at localhost:3000
Admin login is: