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An approach to time profiling that also shows safe FFI calls

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⚠️ This project is still a mere prototype!!

hs-safescope is a tool that extends the approach taken by hs-speedscope and ghc-events-analyze to add foreign calls into the flamegraph representation making use of eventlog.

Table of Contents


In order to use this tool, one has to annotate the code with events as described in Emitting events to track time spent in foreign calls, link with the eventlog RTS flavor and then run the program with the following RTS arguments:

cabal run <exe> -- <args> +RTS -l-au -p -N<caps> -RTS

Then running hs-safescope on the generated .eventlog file, it will generate a json file suitable to be imported into speedscope.

hs-safescope <path/to/.eventlog/file>


The code is still only suitable for a prototype.

The process for annotating the code is boring and feels boilerplate-ish. This can be almost surely automated by Template Haskell, but I still am not very knowledgeable in TH.


  • Show IDLE time.
  • Graph Haskell's CCS at entry points to the C code.
  • Separate graphs by capabilities and by OS threads.
  • TH to generate annotations in a comfortable way.

Background: FFI and time profiling in GHC

A brief look at the runtime system

GHC's runtime system creates Haskell threads (green threads) which are lightweight virtual threads that the scheduler will wake up and deschedule. A Haskell program running on one OS thread can have multiple Haskell threads being executed on that same OS thread at different intervals.

GHC's multithreaded runtime system makes use of capabilities which are essentially global locks that a Haskell thread must acquire before being able to run. The concurrency implemented in GHC is based on cooperative yielding, so tasks yield a capability from time to time so that the RTS is able to give that capability to a different task.

Each capability has a pool of worker OS threads that can be used by the capability to run the given task.

Time profiling

When the RTS is instructed to do time profiling by both compiling with -prof and being given -p as a RTS argument to the executable, it runs a ticker that on each tick will traverse the capabilities incrementing the number of ticks on the current cost center stack of the task that is holding the capability (see).

The result of these ticks is processed into a time report when the program finishes and if the eventlog tracing is enabled (using -eventlog when linking and -l when running) then ProfSampleCostCentre events are emitted to the eventlog.

The total running time reported at the end of the run is calculated by roughly the following formula:

total_ticks * tick_interval / num_capabilities


GHC's implementation of the FFI described in the report results in three types of FFI import declarations:

  • safe: foreign code that is allowed to call back into Haskell code. Higher overhead.
  • interruptible: same as safe but also installs a signal handler that kills the thread upon receiving a throwTo exception.
  • unsafe: foreign code that is not allowed to call back into Haskell code. Smaller overhead.

Imagine the following Haskell code:

foreign import ccall unsafe        "foo" foo :: IO ()
foreign import ccall safe          "bar" bar :: IO ()
foreign import ccall interruptible "ber" ber :: IO ()

baz = do

This will result in the following C-- code (using -ddump-cmm):

           call "ccall" arg hints:  []  result hints:  [] foo();
           (_u3jD::I64) = call "ccall" arg hints:  [PtrHint,]  result hints:  [PtrHint] suspendThread(BaseReg, 0);
           call "ccall" arg hints:  []  result hints:  [] bar();
           (_u3jE::I64) = call "ccall" arg hints:  [PtrHint]  result hints:  [PtrHint] resumeThread(_u3jD::I64);
           (_u3jD::I64) = call "ccall" arg hints:  [PtrHint,]  result hints:  [PtrHint] suspendThread(BaseReg, 1);
           call "ccall" arg hints:  []  result hints:  [] ber();
           (_u3jE::I64) = call "ccall" arg hints:  [PtrHint]  result hints:  [PtrHint] resumeThread(_u3jD::I64);

Here we can see that the capability is released by the call to suspendThread and requested again when the foreign code returns with resumeThread. However, the call is not spawned in a different OS thread, it just continues running. In some sense, it "steals" the thread from the Haskell RTS until it returns.

When the capability is released by calling suspendThread, the RTS will spawn new worker threads if none are available to continue running Haskell code (see).

FFI and ticks

When a call to foreign code is performed and the thread is stolen from the RTS, a tick will not see the foreign code being executed, as it just asks the capabilities which cost centre they are currently executing. This makes us lose track of how much time is being spent in the foreign call. In particular, the example above will only report the time for the unsafe call as the capability is still held by the task, and the rest of the time will be as if it didn't exist for Haskell.

Emitting events to track time spent in foreign calls

The approach followed by this tool is using eventlog profiling in the same style ghc-events-anlyze does to annotate the time spent in the foreign calls. For this goal, we annotate foreign C calls with some events. We will show incrementally what each event that we add will provide.

Start and stop markers

First we surround the events with START and STOP events exactly as done in ghc-events-analyze. To also be able to differentiate different calls to the same function, we spawn a global IORef that acts as a counter.

foreign import ccall safe "bar_c" bar_c :: IO ()

{-# NOINLINE bar_cnt #-}
bar_cnt :: IORef Int
bar_cnt = unsafePerformIO $ newIORef 0

bar :: IO ()
bar = do
  c <- atomicModifyIORef' bar_cnt (\c -> (c + 1, c))
  traceEventIO $ "START " <> c <> " bar"
  traceEventIO $ "END " <> c <> " bar"

Now, by looking at the events one can tell when the foreign code was being executed. This of course depends on the RTS scheduling, but should be accurate enough.

Cost-centre stacks

We are missing all the context on how we got to this function. In order to solve this, we can create a new event that will explicitly carry the cost-centre stack:

foreign import ccall safe "bar_c" bar_c :: IO ()

{-# NOINLINE bar_cnt #-}
bar_cnt :: IORef Int
bar_cnt = unsafePerformIO $ newIORef 0

bar :: IO ()
bar = do
  c <- atomicModifyIORef' bar_cnt (\c -> (c + 1, c))
  traceEventIO $ "START " <> c <> " bar"
+ traceEventIO . (<>) ("ANN_CCS " <> c <> " bar ") . show =<< ccsToStrings =<< getCurrentCCS undefined
  traceEventIO $ "END " <> c <> " bar"

This event will carry the Haskell CCS that should allow to build the call stack up to this point and add this event into the flamegraph.

Thread information

It is difficult to decide where these events are to be shown:

  • In the same flamegraph as the capability: no, because once the thread enters the foreign code, the capability will resume other tasks and we would get a corrupted (or overlapping) graph.
  • In a graph representing "the foreign calls made by capability X": no, because once the capability continues executing Haskell code it can spawn another foreign call before the previous one was finished therefore having the same problem as the graph above.
  • In a per-OS-thread graph: seems plausible. Also if the RTS reuses the thread once the foreign call is done, we would get both foreign calls in the same graph.

To implement the third option, we have to know the thread ID in which the foreign code is running, and this is a non-trivial task that seems to be non-portable. For now I'm targeting usual Linux OSes so I assume that gettid exists.

We could call gettid from within Haskell code, but this doesn't ensure that the thread that would emit the event is the same thread that will run the foreign call, so the only way to circumvent this is by using the Eventlog API directly from within the foreign code.

In particular, if we want to finally call the foreign function bar_c, we are now going to create a wrapper over it emitting the event to the eventlog (we will do it in a much more comfortable way later on):

-foreign import ccall safe "bar_c" bar_c :: IO ()
+foreign import ccall safe "bar_wrapper" bar_wrapper :: C.CInt -> IO ()

{-# NOINLINE bar_cnt #-}
-bar_cnt :: IORef Int
+bar_cnt :: IORef C.CInt
bar_cnt = unsafePerformIO $ newIORef 0

bar :: IO ()
bar = do
  c <- atomicModifyIORef' bar_cnt (\c -> (c + 1, c))
  traceEventIO $ "START " <> c <> " bar"
  traceEventIO . (<>) ("ANN_CCS " <> c <> " bar ") . show =<< ccsToStrings =<< getCurrentCCS undefined
- bar_c
+ bar_wrapper c
  traceEventIO $ "END " <> c <> " bar"

Where bar_wrapper will be defined as:

#define _GNU_SOURCE
include "<stdlib.h>"
include "<unistd.h>"
include "Rts.h"
include "Trace.h"
include "Capability.h"

void bar_c() {

void bar_wrapper(int counter) {
    pid_t tid = gettid();
    ssize_t bufsz = snprintf(NULL, 0, "ANN_TH %d %s %d", counter, "bar", tid);
    char* buf = malloc(bufsz + 1);
    snprintf(buf, bufsz + 1, "ANN_TH %d %s %d", counter, "bar", tid);

    // there is no Haskell capability running this, so just assign it to the MainCapability
    traceUserMsg(&MainCapability, buf);


Now we are going to get an event that will tell us the OS thread ID for the call to bar indexed by the counter that we provide. Note that we need to include some RTS headers to bring into scope the definitions for the functions and types used in the wrapper.

Thread information improved version

Making use of inline-c, we can omit the manual definition of the wrapper by using Template Haskell. We could leave the C code as is and write the following Haskell code (mylib has to be replaced with a header that describes the foreign functions we want to use, in this case bar_c):

-foreign import ccall safe "bar_c" bar_c :: IO ()

+C.verbatim "#define _GNU_SOURCE"
+C.include "<stdlib.h>"
+C.include "<unistd.h>"
+C.include "Rts.h"
+C.include "Trace.h"
+C.include "Capability.h"
+C.include "<mylib>.h"

{-# NOINLINE bar_cnt #-}
bar_cnt :: IORef C.CInt
bar_cnt = unsafePerformIO $ newIORef 0

bar :: IO ()
bar = do
  c <- atomicModifyIORef' bar_cnt (\c -> (c + 1, c))
  traceEventIO $ "START " <> c <> " bar"
  traceEventIO . (<>) ("ANN_CCS " <> c <> " bar ") . show =<< ccsToStrings =<< getCurrentCCS undefined
- bar_c
+ [C.block| void {
+           pid_t tid = gettid();
+           int counter = $(int c);
+           ssize_t bufsz = snprintf(NULL, 0, "ANN_TH %d %s %d", counter, "bar", tid);
+           char* buf = malloc(bufsz + 1);
+           snprintf(buf, bufsz + 1, "ANN_TH %d %s %d", counter, "bar", tid);
+           // there is no Haskell capability running this, so just assign it to the MainCapability
+           traceUserMsg(&MainCapability, buf);
+           free(buf);
+           bar_c();
+           } |]
  traceEventIO $ "END " <> c <> " bar"

This will produce a C file that will be linked to our program defining the wrapper function for us. Reading the inline-c documentation, one can learn how to provide even callback functions to be passed to the C code with anti-quoters.

Future work should wrap all this in a Template Haskell expression.

GCC further instrumentation

gcc has a profiling option for inserting a call to a profiling function on every function entry and exit. This can be combined in a way similar to the above to produce even more events that would allow for drawing a flamegraph even inside the foreign code.

To do this, we have to define a couple of functions in the C code, basically doing something similar to the inline C code above:

#define _GNU_SOURCE
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include "Rts.h"
#include "Trace.h"
#include "Capability.h"

void __cyg_profile_func_enter(void *this_fn, void *call_site) __attribute__((no_instrument_function));
void __cyg_profile_func_exit(void *this_fn, void *call_site)  __attribute__((no_instrument_function));

void bar() {

void __cyg_profile_func_enter ( void *this_fn, void *call_site ) {
  pid_t tid = gettid();
  ssize_t bufsz = snprintf(NULL, 0, "ANN_CALL_TO %p %p %d", this_fn, call_site, tid);
  char* buf = malloc(bufsz + 1);
  snprintf(buf, bufsz + 1, "ANN_CALL_TO %p %p %d", this_fn, call_site, tid);

  // there is no Haskell capability running this, so just assign it to the MainCapability
  traceUserMsg(&MainCapability, buf);


void __cyg_profile_func_exit ( void *this_fn, void *call_site ) {
  pid_t tid = gettid();
  ssize_t bufsz = snprintf(NULL, 0, "ANN_CALL_RET %p %p %d", this_fn, call_site, tid);
  char* buf = malloc(bufsz + 1);
  snprintf(buf, bufsz + 1, "ANN_CALL_RET %p %p %d", this_fn, call_site, tid);

  // there is no Haskell capability running this, so just assign it to the MainCapability
  traceUserMsg(&MainCapability, buf);


Compiling then with -finstrument-functions will result in these events being emitted to the eventlog.

Full example

For this example we are going use the following C code. It defines a function bar which basically prints the provided value and sleeps for 2 seconds:

// bar.c

#define _GNU_SOURCE
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include "Rts.h"
#include "Trace.h"
#include "Capability.h"

void __cyg_profile_func_enter(void *this_fn, void *call_site) __attribute__((no_instrument_function));
void __cyg_profile_func_exit(void *this_fn, void *call_site)  __attribute__((no_instrument_function));

void bar_c(int num) {
  printf("Received %d\n", num);

void __cyg_profile_func_enter ( void *this_fn, void *call_site ) {
  pid_t tid = gettid();
  ssize_t bufsz = snprintf(NULL, 0, "ANN_CALL_TO %p %p %d", this_fn, call_site, tid);
  char* buf = malloc(bufsz + 1);
  snprintf(buf, bufsz + 1, "ANN_CALL_TO %p %p %d", this_fn, call_site, tid);

  // there is no Haskell capability running this, so just assign it to the MainCapability
  traceUserMsg(&MainCapability, buf);


void __cyg_profile_func_exit ( void *this_fn, void *call_site ) {
  pid_t tid = gettid();
  ssize_t bufsz = snprintf(NULL, 0, "ANN_CALL_RET %p %p %d", this_fn, call_site, tid);
  char* buf = malloc(bufsz + 1);
  snprintf(buf, bufsz + 1, "ANN_CALL_RET %p %p %d", this_fn, call_site, tid);

  // there is no Haskell capability running this, so just assign it to the MainCapability
  traceUserMsg(&MainCapability, buf);


The C code is compiled using:

❯ gcc 
    -o out.o 
bar.c: In function ‘__cyg_profile_func_enter’:
bar.c:24:3: warning: implicit declaration of function ‘traceUserMsg’; did you mean ‘dtraceUserMsg’? [-Wimplicit-function-declaration]
   24 |   traceUserMsg(&MainCapability, buf);
      |   ^~~~~~~~~~~~
      |   dtraceUserMsg
❯ ar rcs libCbar.a out.o

We need -I/home/javier/ghc/rts because the GHC installed with ghcup for some reason is missing Trace.h. We need -I/home/javier/.ghcup/ghc/8.10.7/lib/ghc-8.10.7/include because the source of GHC is missing ghcautoconf.h and Rts.h is missing that one. I'm not sure why the traceUserMsg function is said to not be defined as it is declared in Trace.h which we are including.

We then have the Haskell code as follows:

-- app/Main.hs

{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes     #-}

module Main where

import           Data.IORef
import           Debug.Trace ( traceEventIO )
import qualified Foreign.C as C (CInt(..))
import           GHC.Stack ( ccsToStrings, getCurrentCCS )
import qualified Language.C.Inline as C ( block, include, verbatim )
import           System.IO.Unsafe ( unsafePerformIO )

C.verbatim "#define _GNU_SOURCE"
C.include "<stdlib.h>"
C.include "<unistd.h>"
C.include "Rts.h"
C.include "Trace.h"
C.include "Capability.h"
C.include "bar.h"

{-# NOINLINE bar_cnt #-}
bar_cnt :: IORef C.CInt
bar_cnt = unsafePerformIO $ newIORef 0

bar :: C.CInt -> IO ()
bar a1 = do
  c <- atomicModifyIORef' bar_cnt (\c -> return (c + 1, c))
  traceEventIO $ "START " <> show c <> " bar"
  traceEventIO . (<>) ("ANN_SCC " <> show c <> " bar ") . show =<< ccsToStrings =<< getCurrentCCS undefined
  [C.block| void {

          pid_t tid = gettid();
          int counter = $(int c);
          ssize_t bufsz = snprintf(NULL, 0, "ANN_TH %d %s %d", counter, "bar", tid);
          char* buf = malloc(bufsz + 1);
          snprintf(buf, bufsz + 1, "ANN_TH %d %s %d", counter, "bar", tid);

          // there is no Haskell capability running this, so just assign it to the MainCapability
          traceUserMsg(&MainCapability, buf);


          bar_c($(int a1));
          } |]
  traceEventIO $ "STOP " <> show c <> " bar"
main :: IO ()
main = do
  bar 10

With the following cabal files:

-- cabal.project
packages: .

extra-include-dirs: /home/javier/example -- the directory where the libCbar.a library is located
-- cabal.project.local
profiling: True
-- example.cabal
executable example
    main-is:          Main.hs
    build-depends:    base,
    hs-source-dirs:   app
    default-language: Haskell2010
    extra-libraries:  Cbar
    ghc-options:      -threaded
    extra-lib-dirs:   /home/javier/example

We can now run the program with:

❯ /usr/bin/time cabal run exe:example -- +RTS -l-au -p -N2 -RTS
Received 10
0.07user 0.06system 0:02.07elapsed

We can now inspect the file:

❯ cat
	Sun May 15 17:35 2022 Time and Allocation Profiling Report  (Final)

	   example +RTS -l-au -p -N2 -RTS

	total time  =        0.00 secs   (0 ticks @ 1000 us, 2 processors)
	total alloc =     102,792 bytes  (excludes profiling overheads)

COST CENTRE MODULE           SRC                         %time %alloc

MAIN        MAIN             <built-in>                    0.0   37.3
CAF         GHC.Event.Thread <entire-module>               0.0    1.2
CAF         GHC.IO.Handle.FD <entire-module>               0.0   33.8
CAF         GHC.IO.Encoding  <entire-module>               0.0    2.6
bar         Main             app/Main.hs:(26,1)-(45,44)    0.0   23.6

As expected, the Haskell profiling report shows a running time of 0, whereas the program took 2 seconds to run.

If we now run hs-speedscope on the eventlog report, an empty graph on speedscope (as no ticks were recorded at all!).

If we run hs-safescope on the eventlog, we get the following graphs, one for each capability and one for the released OS thread running foreign code:

A capability graph that shows mostly all IDLE time

Another capability graph that shows mostly all IDLE time

The OS thread showing the foreign call

The small non-idle time is a GC call. A look at the User events emitted in the eventlog shows the following messages:

ghci> el <- either error (events . dat) <$> readEventLogFromFile "/home/javier/example/example.eventlog"
ghci> sortOn evTime $ filter (\x -> case evSpec x of UserMessage {} -> True; _ -> False) el
[ Event
    { evTime = 667764
    , evSpec = UserMessage
        { msg = "START 0 bar" }
    , evCap = Just 1
, Event
    { evTime = 688034
    , evSpec = UserMessage
        { msg = "ANN_SCC 0 bar ["Main.main (app/Main.hs:(48,1)-(49,8))"," (app/Main.hs:(26,1)-(45,44))"]" }
    , evCap = Just 1
, Event
    { evTime = 693717
    , evSpec = UserMessage
        { msg = "ANN_TH 0 bar 14181" }
    , evCap = Just 0
, Event
    { evTime = 694762
    , evSpec = UserMessage
        { msg = "ANN_CALL_TO 0x410061 0x40ff00 14181" }
    , evCap = Just 0
, Event
    { evTime = 2000837436
    , evSpec = UserMessage
        { msg = "ANN_CALL_RET 0x410061 0x40ff00 14181" }
    , evCap = Just 0
, Event
    { evTime = 2000879200
    , evSpec = UserMessage
        { msg = "STOP 0 bar" }
    , evCap = Just 1

The ANN_CALL_XX events have to be interpreted in the light of the symbols in the executable itself:

❯ addr2line -f -e dist-newstyle/build/x86_64-linux/ghc-8.10.7/example- 0x410061
❯ nm examples/example/dist-newstyle/build/x86_64-linux/ghc-8.10.7/example- | grep 410061
0000000000410061 T bar_c

In this case it is not particularly useful because this call emitted is actually the Haskell call to C code, but in principle this could be used to build CCSs inside the C code that could be prepended by the Haskell CCS at call site to place the C flamegraph on top of Haskell's flamegraph.

A bit more interesting full example

Taking the main above and adding a secondary Haskell task to run, we get a more interesting example:

{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes     #-}

module Main where


fib 1 = 1
fib 2 = 1
fib n = fib (n - 1) + fib (n - 2)

main :: IO ()
main = do
  forkIO $ print $ fib 35
  bar 10
  print $ fib 34

We can then run the executable:

❯ /usr/bin/time cabal run exe:example -- +RTS -l-au -p -N2 -RTS
Received 10
0.98user 0.03system 0:02.41elapsed

Inspecting the Haskell time report, we see that only the time for fib was accounted:

❯ cat
	Sun May 15 18:05 2022 Time and Allocation Profiling Report  (Final)

	   example +RTS -l-au -p -N2 -RTS

	total time  =        0.39 secs   (771 ticks @ 1000 us, 2 processors)
	total alloc = 716,772,912 bytes  (excludes profiling overheads)

COST CENTRE MODULE SRC                         %time %alloc

fib         Main   app/Main.hs:(21,1)-(23,33)   99.9  100.0

Now inspecting this with hs-speedscope, we see the following graphs:

Which show graphs with two different time scales and it is very difficult to understand what happened in this program. On the other hand, if we run hs-safescope we get the following graphs:

Here we can see that the capability 0 runs a first call to fib (one can zoom into the graph to see the actual names) which belongs to the forkIO'ed call, and then remains IDLE until the end (participating in some garbage collections later).

We see now that capability 1 runs a call to fib at the end, which belongs to the fib call after the call to bar.

Here we see a call to bar that runs for 2 seconds and then switches back to a Haskell capability. Combining it with the previous graph, we see that it then continues with fib 34.


Thanks to the authors of hs-speedscope and ghc-events-analyze which vastly influenced this executable.


An approach to time profiling that also shows safe FFI calls






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