Read temperature and humidity from my cigar humidor using Ruuvitag sensor. Data is read by Raspberry Pi and published in AWS via their IoT service.
Backlog: Alerts
To measure the data in my humidor.
To collect data from Ruuvitag and publish it into AWS IoT service.
Usage: run the python3 script in raspberrypi-folder in your raspberry to collect sensor data. Preferably with nohup python3 & or as a service.
Requires AWS IoT Python SDK and Ruuvitag sensor
A serverless solution to subscribe to the data from Pi, save it into a dynamodb table using an IoT rule, and publish it on an S3 website.
Services in use: IoT, Lambda, DynamoDB, S3
For AWS deployment.
- serverless deploy to deploy the backend application w/ database
- serverless client deploy to deploy static files to S3
- serverless deploy function -f humidor to deploy only the lambda function if you don't want to erase your dynamo table
TODO: Add IoT rule and TTL to dynamo table into serverless.yml
For AWS S3 static website deployment
A very simple js chart library. Requires also jquery.