1️⃣🐝🏎️ The One Billion Row Challenge -- A fun exploration of how quickly 1B rows from a text file can be aggregated with Java
actually publishing my solutions now that they're not redundant...
Immutable persistent collections for Kotlin
A simple program to simulate artificial life using attraction/reuplsion forces between many particles
Zio-Entity, a distributed, high performance, functional event sourcing library
A massively parallel, optimal functional runtime in Rust
Experiments for a Scala 3 ZIO
Daobab - Java ORM, Object Oriented SQL for Java and Kotlin
Fast Java implementations of programs tested on "The Computer Language Benchmarks Game" using not yet standardized OpenJDK features
Interactive Image Generation via Generative Adversarial Networks
🏗 Build container images for your Java applications.
Fast, secure JSON library with tight ZIO integration.
Demonstrates creating a Toy IO effect system (TIO) from ground up
A type-safe cascading configuration library for Kotlin/Java/Android, supporting most configuration formats
A lightweight, distinctly Scala take on functional abstractions, with tight ZIO integration
Repository accompanying the ZuriHac Advanced Track lecture on Datatype-Generic Programming
Finished Book of Monads by Alejandro Serrano-Mena
Exercises from the 'Book of Monads' by Alejandro Serrano Mena
...because two weeks of coding can save one hour of manual setup
Schema + generator for DDD heavy projects - experiment, I don't write production code this way...
Benchmarks for monad transformer implementations in Scala