This is the repository of the app that shows everything I have learned from the Android 14 App Development Bootcamp 2024 in Udemy. Please let me know if you have a question about the app.
- XML Layouts
- Android Manifest
- RecyclerView Adapter
- Logcat | Debugging
- Activity and Fragment Lifecycle
- ViewBinding
- SharedPreferences
- ViewPagers | TabLayout
- ClickListeners
- Passing data to a new Activity | Retrieving a Serialized Object in a new Activity
- Implicit and Explicit Intents
- String Resources | Style and Color Resources
- Vector Assets
- Dynamic Toolbar Titles
- Deprecated code
- Options Menu | Responding to menu item clicks
- AlertDialog
- Snackbar | Toast
- Activity Back Stack | Launch Mode
- Detecting when a user presses the Up Arrow
- Intercepting the Back Button
- Light and Dark Theme
- Defining Styles | Style inheritance
- App Icons
- variables | arrays
- functions | overriding functions
- if else statements | when expression
- classes objects and constructors | class inheritance | abstract classes | anonymous classes
- null safety
- lateinit variables | lazy initialization
- constants
- object | companion object
- serialization
- interfaces
- callbacks
- maps | key-value storage
- casting
- access level modifiers
- ConstraintLayout
- ImageView
- TextView
- RadioGroup | RadioButton
- TextInputLayout | TextInputEditText
- MaterialButton
- RecyclerView
- CardView | MaterialCardView
- ScrollView
- RatingBar
- View (Gradient Background)
- CheckBox
- Spinner
- ViewPager2
- TabLayout
- CardView
- RecyclerView
- Activity KTX
- PreferenceManager
Android 14 App Development Bootcamp 2024: