- Santa Barbara, CA
- @janitastic
burrito-builder-ui Public
Forked from turingschool-examples/burrito-builder-uiJavaScript UpdatedMar 8, 2022 -
lynns_list Public
Forked from Alynn022/lynns_listTypeScript & React program that uses the Yelp Fushion API to view Denver restaurants, and allow the user to add their restaurant selections to custom lists.
TypeScript UpdatedMar 1, 2022 -
whats-cookin-good-lookin Public
Forked from turingschool-examples/whats-cookin-starter-kitObject Oriented Program that tracks a users recipe favorites and meal planning. The user can select and view favorites, as well as plan grocery trips based on their selected recipes. The idea is si…
renew-hotel Public
Hotel management tool for hotel customers to manage room bookings and calculate bills based on the Turing School of Software & Design Overlook Project.
rancid-tomatillos Public
Forked from Daniel-OC/rancid-tomatillosMovie review app built in React using fetch API, Router, and Cypress testing.
Lets-Getaway Public
Forked from turingschool-examples/webpack-starter-kitA travel planning and trip tracking application.
SCSS UpdatedJan 6, 2022 -
jsFun Public
Forked from turingschool-examples/jsFunkPractice exercises for prototype methods, scope, and context
JavaScript UpdatedJan 6, 2022 -
javascript-foundations Public
Forked from turingschool-examples/javascript-foundationsPractice problems for mastering the basics of javascript
JavaScript UpdatedDec 21, 2021 -
react Public
Forked from facebook/reactA declarative, efficient, and flexible JavaScript library for building user interfaces.
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedDec 6, 2021 -
mod2-flashcards Public
An object-oriented application using ES6 classes. This program simulates a set of flash cards through the command line. A user can see questions, take guesses, and receive a final score.
JavaScript UpdatedDec 2, 2021 -
github-readme-stats Public
Forked from anuraghazra/github-readme-stats⚡ Dynamically generated stats for your github readmes
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedNov 13, 2021 -
fitlit Public
Forked from turingschool-examples/fitlit-starter-kitA fitness dashboard for users to view and log their steps, water intake, sleep, or other activity goals and milestones.
flashcards Public
Forked from turingschool-examples/flashcards-starterAn object-oriented application using ES6 classes. This program simulates a set of flash cards through the command line. A user can see questions, take guesses, and receive a final score.
JavaScript UpdatedOct 15, 2021 -
intermission-assignments Public
Forked from turingschool-examples/intermission-assignmentsUpdatedSep 30, 2021 -
tic-tac-toe Public
A fun dog vs. cat themed tic-tac-toe game, built from scratch! With localStorage to keep track of scores.
ideaBox Public
Forked from annamkummer/ideaBoxAn application that records and archives a user's ideas. With a fluid and responsive client-side interface with localStorage to persist on ideas between sessions.
localstorage-playground Public
Forked from turingschool-examples/localstorage-playgroundJavaScript UpdatedSep 18, 2021 -
self-care-center Public
Forked from turingschool-examples/self-care-centerAn app that helps users care for themselves with positive affirmations and mantras.
hang-in-there Public
Forked from turingschool-examples/hang-in-there-boilerplateMod 1 FE paired project.
js-fun-at-a-restaurant Public
Forked from turingschool-examples/js-fun-at-a-restaurantExercise on JS fundamentals at a restaurant!
JavaScript UpdatedAug 29, 2021 -
jsFunner Public
Forked from turingschool-examples/jsFunnerMore practice exercises for prototype methods
UpdatedJun 2, 2021 -
Intention-Timer Public
Forked from Andrey-1992/Intention-TimerAn application for users to set goals for their health and productivity. These goals are tied to a timer the user can use to hold themselves accountable for the time spent on each activity. The cli…
whats-for-dinner Public
Forked from turingschool-examples/whats-for-dinnerAn app that helps user choose a dish and put meals together.
static-site-playground Public
Forked from turingschool-examples/static-site-playgroundCSS UpdatedApr 6, 2021 -
js-fun-at-the-library Public
Forked from turingschool-examples/js-fun-at-the-libraryExercise on JS fundamentals in the library!
JavaScript UpdatedMar 29, 2021 -
fe-m1-practice Public
Forked from turingschool-examples/fe-m1-practiceOld FE mod 1 pre-work repo that will help with HTML and CSS exposure
UpdatedMar 21, 2021 -
frontend-mod-1-prework Public
Forked from turingschool/frontend-mod-1-preworkJavaScript UpdatedFeb 18, 2021