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php committed Nov 7, 2024
1 parent 498f329 commit 1aca506
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Showing 2 changed files with 217 additions and 20 deletions.
58 changes: 38 additions & 20 deletions okex-php-sdk-api-v5/rapiDemo.php
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -30,27 +30,33 @@
$obj = new AccountApi(Config::$config);
$coin = "XMR";
//查看账户持仓风险 Get Account
//$res = $obj -> getAccountPositionRisk('SWAP');
//$res = $obj -> instruments('SWAP');
// 查看账户余额 Get Balance
// $res = $obj -> getBalance('UST');
// 查看持仓信息 Get Positions
//$res = $obj -> getPositions('SWAP','BTC-USDT-SWAP','');
// 查看历史持仓信息 Get Positions history
// $res = $obj -> getPositionsHistory('SWAP','BTC-USDT-SWAP','','','','','');
//查看账户持仓风险 Get Account
//$res = $obj -> getAccountPositionRisk('SWAP');
// 账单流水查询(近七天) Get Bills Details (last 7 days)
//$res = $obj -> getBills('','','','','1','','','','');
// 账单流水查询(近三个月) Get Bills Details (last 3 months)
//$res = $obj -> getBillsArchive('SPOT','','','','','','','','');
// 申请账单流水(自 2021 年)
//$res = $obj -> billsHistoryArchive();
// 申请账单流水(自 2021 年)
//$res = $obj -> getBillsHistoryArchive();
// 查看账户配置 Get Account Configuration
//$res = $obj -> getConfig();
// 设置持仓模式 Set Position mode
//$res = $obj -> setPositionMode('long_short_mode');
// 设置杠杆倍数 Set Leverage
//$res = $obj -> setLeverage('XLM-USDT-SWAP','','3','cross','net');
// 获取最大可买卖/开仓数量 Get Maximum Tradable Size For Instrument
// 获取最大可下单数量
//$res = $obj -> getMaxSize('BTC-USDT-SWAP','isolated','','39002.4915','10');
// 获取最大可用数量 Get Maximum Available Tradable Amount
// 获取最大可用余额/保证金
//$res = $obj -> getMaxAvailSize('BTC-USDT-SWAP','','cross','','');
// 调整保证金 Increase/Decrease margin
//$res = $obj -> marginBalance('BTC-USD-210402','long','reduce','0.5','','','');
Expand All @@ -64,9 +70,9 @@
//$res = $obj -> getTradeFee('MARGIN','BTC-USDT','','');
// 获取计息记录 Get interest-accrued
//$res = $obj -> getInterestAccrued('','','','','','','10');
//$res = $obj -> getInterestRate('');
// 期权希腊字母PA/BS切换 Set Greeks (PA/BS)
// 期权greeks的PA/BS切换
//$res = $obj -> setGreeks('PA');
//$res = $obj -> setIsolatedMode('','');
Expand All @@ -78,24 +84,36 @@
// $res = $obj -> quickMarginBorrowRepay('','','','');
// $res = $obj -> quickMarginBorrowRepayHistory('','','','','','','','');
//$res = $obj -> borrowRepay('BTC','borrow','1');
//$res = $obj -> borrowRepayHistory('','','','');
// $res = $obj -> vipInterestAccrued('','','','','');
// $res = $obj -> vipInterestDeducted('','','','','');
// $res = $obj -> vipLoanOrderList('','','','','','');
// $res = $obj -> vipLoanOrderDetail('','','','','');
//$res = $obj -> interestLimits('','');
//$res = $obj -> simulatedMargin('','','');
//$res = $obj -> borrowingLimit();
//$res = $obj -> borrowingQuote();
//$res = $obj -> borrowingOrder();
//$res = $obj -> amendBorrowingOrder();
//$res = $obj -> manualReborrow();
//$res = $obj -> repayBorrowingOrder();
//$res = $obj -> convertToMarketLoan();
//$res = $obj -> reduceLiabilities();
//$res = $obj -> borrowingOrdersList();
//$res = $obj -> spotManualBorrowRepay();
//$res = $obj -> setAutoRepay();
//$res = $obj -> spotBorrowRepayHistory();
// $res = $obj -> positionBuilder('','','','','');
// $res = $obj -> setRiskOffsetAmt('','');
//$res = $obj -> greeks('');
Expand Down
179 changes: 179 additions & 0 deletions okex-php-sdk-api-v5/src/AccountApi.php
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -511,4 +511,183 @@ public function getMmpConfig($instFamily='')

return $this->request('/api/v5/account/mmp-config', $params, 'GET');

public function instruments($instType,$uly='',$instFamily='',$instId='')
$params = [
'instType' => $instType,
'uly' => $uly,
'instFamily' => $instFamily,
'instId' => $instId,


return $this->request('/api/v5/account/instruments', $params, 'GET');

public function billsHistoryArchive($year,$quarter)
$params = [
'year' => $year,
'quarter' => $quarter,


return $this->request('/api/v5/account/bills-history-archive', $params, 'POST');

public function getBillsHistoryArchive($year,$quarter)
$params = [
'year' => $year,
'quarter' => $quarter,


return $this->request('/api/v5/account/bills-history-archive', $params, 'GET');

public function borrowingLimit()
$params = [


return $this->request('/api/v5/account/fixed-loan/borrowing-limit', $params, 'GET');

public function borrowingQuote($type,$ccy='',$amt='',$maxRate='',$term='',$ordId='')
$params = [
'type' => $type,
'ccy' => $ccy,
'amt' => $amt,
'maxRate' => $maxRate,
'term' => $term,
'ordId' => $ordId,

return $this->request('/api/v5/account/fixed-loan/borrowing-quote', $params, 'GET');

public function borrowingOrder($ccy,$amt,$maxRate,$term,$reborrow='',$reborrowRate='')
$params = [
'ccy' => $ccy,
'amt' => $amt,
'maxRate' => $maxRate,
'term' => $term,
'reborrow' => $reborrow,
'reborrowRate' => $reborrowRate,

return $this->request('/api/v5/account/fixed-loan/borrowing-order', $params, 'POST');

public function amendBorrowingOrder($ordId,$reborrow='',$reborrowRate='')
$params = [
'ordId' => $ordId,
'reborrow' => $reborrow,
'reborrowRate' => $reborrowRate,

return $this->request('/api/v5/account/fixed-loan/amend-borrowing-order', $params, 'POST');

public function manualReborrow($ordId,$maxRate)
$params = [
'ordId' => $ordId,
'maxRate' => $maxRate,

return $this->request('/api/v5/account/fixed-loan/manual-reborrow', $params, 'POST');

public function repayBorrowingOrder($ordId)
$params = [
'ordId' => $ordId,

return $this->request('/api/v5/account/fixed-loan/repay-borrowing-order', $params, 'POST');

public function convertToMarketLoan($ordId)
$params = [
'ordId' => $ordId,

return $this->request('/api/v5/account/fixed-loan/convert-to-market-loan', $params, 'POST');

public function reduceLiabilities($ordId,$pendingRepay)
$params = [
'ordId' => $ordId,
'pendingRepay' => $pendingRepay,

return $this->request('/api/v5/account/fixed-loan/reduce-liabilities', $params, 'POST');

public function borrowingOrdersList($ordId='',$ccy='',$state='',$term='',$after='',$before='',$limit='')
$params = [
'ordId' => $ordId,
'ccy' => $ccy,
'state' => $state,
'term' => $term,
'after' => $after,
'before' => $before,
'limit' => $limit,

return $this->request('/api/v5/account/fixed-loan/borrowing-orders-list', $params, 'GET');

public function spotManualBorrowRepay($ccy,$side,$amt)
$params = [
'ccy' => $ccy,
'side' => $side,
'amt' => $amt,

return $this->request('/api/v5/account/spot-manual-borrow-repay', $params, 'POST');

public function setAutoRepay($autoRepay)
$params = [
'autoRepay' => $autoRepay,

return $this->request('/api/v5/account/set-auto-repay', $params, 'POST');

public function spotBorrowRepayHistory($ccy='',$type='',$after='',$before='',$limit='')
$params = [
'ccy' => $ccy,
'type' => $type,
'after' => $after,
'before' => $before,
'limit' => $limit,

return $this->request('/api/v5/account/spot-borrow-repay-history', $params, 'GET');

public function setRiskOffsetAmt($ccy,$clSpotInUseAmt)
$params = [
'ccy' => $ccy,
'clSpotInUseAmt' => $clSpotInUseAmt,

return $this->request('/api/v5/account/set-riskOffset-amt', $params, 'POST');

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