We are Pokemon trainers, a team consisting of BNTA Cohort 5 members : James, Aisha, Jack, Adan
The original API is from https://github.com/biancakendall29/w07_server_side_project.git
we edited the relationships, methods and data loader struture
Front end project consisting of a team of 4 as part of the BNTA programme, a week 11 project using an API from a previous groups backend project, where we used react. The website contains a home page, a pokemon page where the user can view and enter pokemon using the CRUD functionality into the database using a react form, and similarly to the pokemon page we have a gym and gymLeader page with the view and enter functionaility also.
- Make sure that you have installed Java.
- Clone this repository :
and open in you Java IDE - Run the backend API to start the server:
- Open this project in VS code.
- Open a new terminal up, type
npm install
- In terminal type
npm start
A massive thanks to the BNTA team, and especially to our trainers Richard and Anna!