A minor mode for Emacs that enhances Org mode by displaying headings bullets as UTF-8 characters.
- Replace standard Org mode bullets with visually appealing UTF-8 characters.
- Customizable bullet list for different heading levels.
- Supports inline tasks with appropriate bullet representation.
- Configurable face for bullets to match your theme.
To install org-ibullets
with straight.el
- It if hasn't already been done, add the straight.el bootstrap code to your init file.
- Add the following code to the Emacs init file:
(use-package org-ibullets
:ensure t
:commands org-ibullets-mode
:straight (org-ibullets
:type git
:host github
:repo "jamescherti/org-ibullets.el")
:hook (org-mode . org-ibullets-mode))
To install org-ibullets
, clone the repository or download the .el
file and add it to your Emacs load path, then add to your .emacs:
(require 'org-ibullets)
(add-hook 'org-mode-hook (lambda () (org-ibullets-mode 1)))
The org-ibullets
package is based on the MELPA org-bullets fork, which in turn is derived from the unmaintained org-bullets.
Here are the improvements org-ibullets
- Optimizations (faster):
has been optimized to eliminate redundant computations, such as repeated calls to functions like(match-end 0)
. This reduction in unnecessary processing enhances performance, particularly in larger documents. - No syntax warnings: Unlike
, which may generate syntax or font-lock warnings in certain Emacs configurations,org-ibullets
resolves these issues, providing a smoother user experience. - Various enhancements: Included
-*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
, improved readability and reduced redundancy, fixed warnings, added Melpazoid tests, implemented additional tests, and resolved fontification issues.
This revision improves clarity and flow while maintaining the original meaning.
I recommend adding the following to your Emacs init:
(setq inhibit-compacting-font-caches t)
This variable also holds further information regarding what I believe is the cause of the problem.
- org-superstar: A more complex alternative to
that offers additional features beyond showing bullets as UTF-8 characters. In contrast, org-ibullets is lightweight and focused on a single task.
Other Emacs packages by the same author:
- minimal-emacs.d: This repository hosts a minimal Emacs configuration designed to serve as a foundation for your vanilla Emacs setup and provide a solid base for an enhanced Emacs experience.
- outline-indent.el: An Emacs package that provides a minor mode that enables code folding and outlining based on indentation levels for various indentation-based text files, such as YAML, Python, and other indented text files.
- vim-tab-bar.el: Make the Emacs tab-bar Look Like Vim’s Tab Bar.
- easysession.el: Easysession is lightweight Emacs session manager that can persist and restore file editing buffers, indirect buffers/clones, Dired buffers, the tab-bar, and the Emacs frames (with or without the Emacs frames size, width, and height).
- elispcomp: A command line tool that allows compiling Elisp code directly from the terminal or from a shell script. It facilitates the generation of optimized .elc (byte-compiled) and .eln (native-compiled) files.
- tomorrow-night-deepblue-theme.el: The Tomorrow Night Deepblue Emacs theme is a beautiful deep blue variant of the Tomorrow Night theme, which is renowned for its elegant color palette that is pleasing to the eyes. It features a deep blue background color that creates a calming atmosphere. The theme is also a great choice for those who miss the blue themes that were trendy a few years ago.
- Ultyas: A command-line tool designed to simplify the process of converting code snippets from UltiSnips to YASnippet format.
- dir-config.el: Automatically find and evaluate .dir-config.el Elisp files to configure directory-specific settings.
- flymake-bashate.el: A package that provides a Flymake backend for the bashate Bash script style checker.
- flymake-ansible-lint.el: An Emacs package that offers a Flymake backend for