recipes for pet package building
see for more info
and the files new2dir
which are required for this system to
operate. They will be included in puppy soon after some more testing.
NB: new2dir
is replaced by
which works by splitting the files generated
by make DESTDIR=/path/to/package install
- clone this repository and checkout the branch you want. There are 2: tahrpup and slacko_141. Say you want to build for tahrpup
git clone
git checkout tahrpup
- it is suggested if you cloned this repo to copy it somewhere else so you can pull or fetch without issue
- just cd into the repository and run
. Hopefully all packages will download and build successfully. The idea is "code goes in, package comes out". - if you want to build individual packages just append the name of the package
to the command. EXAMPLE:
./ sylpheed
Just look at some of the examples. They aren't difficult. There is no
stringent requirement to use new2dir
, as you can use DESTDIR or even paco,
but if you do use paco can you make a recipe first please?:P
Also, for weight requirements, split (DEV,DOC,NLS separated packages) are highly
Anyone with write access to the puppylinux git repo is encouraged to add recipes. Forks are needed too so we can consider your pull requests. All updated packages will be added to the ibiblio/puppylinux repository.
There will be BUGS! Raise an issue here or report on the murga thread above.
amigo, jamesbond, Iguleder, Tman