This repository contains code for simulating Markov chains as a cloud of particles using cubature formulae.
The presentation
folder contains slides describing the methodology.
The scripts
folder contains the code.
This will run the cubature algorithm on a 2D Gaussian mixture:
Outputting something like
Time: 18.5 seconds
Number of particles: 1024
Cubature mean vector
[-4.13376 -1.8908577]
Cubature covariance matrix
[[ 2.31224477 1.89332097]
[ 1.89332097 10.73603521]]
Actual mean vector
[-4.148839 -1.8847313]
Actual variances
[2.2467885 10.953863]
Difference in means
An illustration of the resulting particle configurations is given below:
This runs the algorithm for a Bayesian logistic regression on a binary Covertype dataset (see SVGD paper for details):
Outputting something like
Time: 1137.0 seconds
Number of particles: 256
[accuracy, log-likelihood]
[0.7573040282953107, -0.5628809048706431]
The content of markov_chain_cubature_presentation.pdf is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license, and the Python code is licensed under the MIT license.