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This overlay is just for live (git,svn,cvs,hg,darcs,et cetera) ebuilds. It was
inspired by my want for the bleeding-edge versions of the free software I use
the most.

All of the ebuilds here have an active upstream and are most likely not going to
be patched, mostly because it's a pain.

Ebuilds use EAPI 2. Use src_configure for econf, et cetera (read the gentoo dev
handbooks). Add *highly* experimental software to profiles/package.mask. 

When pushing commits, update and commit the README, then update and commit the
updated ebuild and manifest. Remember test your ebuilds before submitting them.

Ebuild list:
Owner    Name                           Status
dread    dev-lang/clang-9999            Testing
dread    dev-util/git-9999              Done
dread    dev-utils/9base-9999           Done
dread    games-fps/darkplaces-9999      Done
dread    games-fps/                     
         quake1-textures-20071001       Done
dread    media-libs/babl-9999           Undecided
dread    media-libs/faac-9999           Undecided
dread    media-libs/faad2-9999          Undecided
dread    media-libs/flac-9999           Masked
dread    media-libs/freetype-9999       Testing
dread    media-libs/gegl-9999           Undecided
dread    media-libs/libdvdcss-9999      Not written yet
dread    media-libs/libmad-9999         Not written yet
dread    media-libs/libogg-9999         Done
dread    media-libs/libtheora-9999      Done
dread    media-libs/libvorbis-9999      Done
dread    media-sound/lame-9999          Done
dread    media-sound/mpd-9999           Done
dread    media-sound/ncmpcpp-9999       Done
dread    media-sound/vorbis-tools-9999  Done 
dread    net-libs/libtorrent-9999       Done
dread    net-p2p/rtorrent-9999          Done
dread    www-client/uzbl-9999           Done


a collection of live ebuilds






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