Use this skeleton application to quickly setup and start working on a new Slim Framework 3 application (Tested with slim 3.12). This application handles http and command line requests. This application ships with a few service providers and a Session middleware out of the box. Supports container resolution and auto-wiring.
To remove a service provider comment it on config/app.php file and remove it from composer.json, update composer.
Available service providers:
Available middleware:
- Session
Run this command from the directory in which you want to install your new Slim Framework application.
php composer.phar create-project jupitern/slim3-skeleton [my-app-name]
Replace [my-app-name]
with the desired directory name for your new application. You'll want to:
- Point your virtual host document root to your new application's
directory. - Ensure
is web writable. - make the necessary changes in config file config/app.php
$ cd [my-app-name]\public
$ php -S localhost:8080
- Browse to http://localhost:8080
: Application code (models, controllers, cli commands, handlers, middleware, service providers and others)config
: Configuration files like db, mail, routes...lib
: Other project classes like utils, business logic and framework extensionsresources
: Views as well as your raw, un-compiled assets such as LESS, SASS, or
: Log files, cache files...public
: The public directory containsindex.php
file, assets such as images, JavaScript, and CSSvendor
: Composer dependencies
The app class has a route resolver method that:
- matches and injects params into the controller action passed as uri arguments
- looks up and injects dependencies from the container by matching controller constructor / method argument names
- automatic Resolution using controller constructor / method argument types
- accepts string or Response object as controller action response
Example defining two routes for a website and backend folders:
use \Psr\Http\Message\ServerRequestInterface as Request;
use \Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface as Response;
// simple route example
$app->get('/hello/{name}', function (Request $request, Response $response, $args) {
$name = $request->getAttribute('name');
$response->getBody()->write("Hello, $name");
return $response;
// example route to resolve request to uri '/' to \App\Http\Site\Welcome::index
$app->any('/', function ($request, $response, $args) use($app) {
return $app->resolveRoute('\App\Http\Site', "Welcome", "index", $args);
// example using container resolution and automatic resolution (auto-wiring)
// resolves to a class:method under the namespace \App\Http\Site
// injects the :id param value into the method $id parameter
// route definition
$app->any('/{class}/{method}[/{id:[0-9]+}]', function ($request, $response, $args) use($app) {
return $app->resolveRoute('\App\Http\Site', $args['class'], $args['method'], $args);
// Controller Welcome definition
namespace App\Http\Site;
use \App\Http\Controller;
class Welcome extends Controller
public function index($id, \Psr\Log\LoggerInterface $logger, \App\Model\User $user)
$logger->info("logging a message using logger resolved from container");
$logger->info("getting a eloquent user model attributes using automatic resolution (auto-wiring)");
debug($user->getAttributes()); // helper method debug
// return response as string. resolveRoute method will handle it and output the response
return "id = {$id}";
// example calling http://localhost:8080/index.php/app/test/method/1 with the route bellow
// resolves to a class:method under the namespace \App\Http\App and
// injects the :id param value into the method $id parameter
// Other parameters in the method will be searched in the container or automatically resolved
// route definition
$app->any('/app/{class}/{method}[/{id:[0-9]+}]', function ($request, $response, $args) use($app) {
return $app->resolveRoute('\App\Http\App', $args['class'], $args['method'], $args);
namespace App\Http\App;
use \App\Http\Controller;
// Controller Test definition
class Test extends Controller
public function method($id, \App\Model\User $user)
return get_class($user)."<br/>id = {$id}";
- Usage: php cli.php [command-name] [method-name] [parameters...]
- Help: php cli.php help
How to create a new command:
- Create a class under directory app\Console in namespace App\Console
- Your class should extend \App\Console\Command
- create a public method with some params.
Command class:
namespace App\Console;
class Test extends Command
public function method($a, $b='foobar')
"\nEntered console command with params: \n".
"a= {$a}\n".
"b= {$b}\n";
Execute the class:method from command line:
// since param "b" is optional you can use one of the following commands
> php cli.php Test method a=foo b=bar
> php cli.php Test method a=foo
Get application instance
$app = \Lib\Framework\App::instance();
// or simpler using a helper function
$app = app();
Debug a variable, array or object using a debug helper
debug(['a', 'b', 'c']);
// or debug and exit passing true as second param
debug(['a', 'b', 'c'], true);
Read a user from db using Laravel Eloquent service provider
$user = \App\Model\User::find(1);
echo $user->Name;
Send a email using PHPMailer service provider and default settings
/* @var $mail \PHPMailer\PHPMailer\PHPMailer */
$mail = app()->resolve(\PHPMailer\PHPMailer\PHPMailer::class);
$mail->Subject = "test";
$mail->Body = "<b>test body</b>";
$mail->AltBody = "alt body";
List a directory content with Flysystem service provider and default settings 'local'
$filesystem = app()->resolve(\League\Flysystem\FilesystemInterface::class, ['local']);
$contents = $filesystem->listContents('', true);
Write and read from session using Session Helper class
// save user info in session
\Lib\Utils\Session::set('user', ['id' => '1']);
// get user info from session
$user = \Lib\Utils\Session::get('user');
Write and read from cache (using default driver redis)
/** @var \Naroga\RedisCache\Redis $cache */
$cache = app()->resolve(\Psr\SimpleCache\CacheInterface::class);
$cache->set("cacheKey", "some test value");
echo $cache->get("cacheKey");
Then add the following line to your (or whomever's) crontab:
* * * * * cd /path/to/project && php cli.php Jobby init 1>> /dev/null 2>&1
After Jobby installs, you can copy an example file to the project root.
$ cp vendor/hellogerard/jobby/resources/jobby.php .
- Replaced Whoops and Collision packages by slashtrace that provides http and cli debug
- Allow for providers and middleware to be registered only for a given scope (dependent on app name)
- general code improvements and error handling when developing rest api
- more service providers / separate service providers in packages
- more code examples
- welcome to discuss a bugs, features and ideas.
jupitern/slim3-skeleton is release under the MIT license.