Audio library for Processing built with JSyn
Source code for 'Processing for Android' by Andrés Colubri
A collection of examples for Processing's Android Mode, some of which use the Ketai library.
Archive of the Coding Train website (first version)
Micro-library for geospatial operations in Processing
Arduino Due ADC analogRead Fast 1Mhz with measures collect and also differential.
Useful GLSL filters adapted for Processing
A real-time audio synthesis library for Processing 3. Pd4P3 implements Pure Data's signal processing objects via Pd++ native code. Pd4P3 stands for "Pd++ for Processing 3".
Javascript app to process a PCB image and output G-code suitable for laser engraver or similar machine. To reduce tool time, by default, the board traces are Voronoi Tesselated, though this is opti…
Source code for the Processing Core and Development Environment (PDE)
ATtiny13 based PI (Pulse Induction) Metal Detector
Chroma is color conversion library for Processing.
Android code for Processing for Android
Spectrum Analyzer for Android using the HackRF
kwrtz / liquid-dsp
Forked from jgaeddert/liquid-dspdigital signal processing library for software-defined radios
Repository for example code from The Nature of Code book
A tutorial that shows you how to manipulate 3D objects with Processing and Arduino
Processing project for QuadTree implementation - a two-dimensional tree data structure in which each internal node has exactly four children