######### AutoJotter ########
~ ~ Hand writing software ~ ~
AutoJotter is open source handwriting software for pen plotters and CNC machines that generates handwriting movement instructions from plain text.
- Provide AutoJotter with any plain text. It will generate single stroke handwriting as a generic G-Code program, or SVG File (aka Inkscape)
- Writes realistic hand writing in a single stroke, does not outline fonts like most tools.
- Can write characters of any size.
- GUI and command line for scripting.
- Customizable to different machines.
- Windows, Linux, Mac (Java 8 Required).
- Tabs, linebreaks, word wrap supported, writes most ASCII characters ! @ # $ % ^ & * ~ ? .
- Customize fonts by editing SVG file.
Double click autojotter.jar to run GUI.
Run "java -jar autojotter" with the following arguments to run command line. Plain text is sent to standard input and g-code is sent through standard output. Text preview is sent through standard error. arg1: total width arg2: total height arg3: num cols arg4: num rows arg5: upcommand arg6 = downcommand arg7=feedrate arg8=rotated(y/n) arg9=italics(y/n)
eg echo hello | java -jar autojotter.jar 6 6.9 40 25 "S3 M500" "S3 M850" 50 y y
Version History 1.0 - Initial Release 1.1 - Added SVG output and Save file dialog