This issue lists Renovate updates and detected dependencies. Read the Dependency Dashboard docs to learn more.
These dependencies are deprecated:
Datasource | Name | Replacement PR? |
npm | @babel/plugin-proposal-class-properties |
npm | viz.js |
These updates are currently rate-limited. Click on a checkbox below to force their creation now.
- Update dependency rollup-plugin-visualizer to v5.13.1
- Update dependency redux to v5
- Update dependency redux-actions to v3
- Update dependency viz.js to v2
- Update dependency webpack-cli to v6
- Update react monorepo to v19 (major) (
) - Update typescript-eslint monorepo to v8 (major) (
) - 🔐 Create all rate-limited PRs at once 🔐
These updates have all been created already. Click a checkbox below to force a retry/rebase of any.
- Update dependency @pyroscope/flamegraph to v0.35.6
- Update dependency @types/redux-actions to v2.6.5
- Update dependency antd to v5.22.7
- Update dependency react-icons to v5.4.0
- Update dependency react-json-view-lite to v2.1.0
- Update dependency @vitejs/plugin-legacy to v6
- Update dependency eslint to v9
- Update dependency history to v5
- Update dependency react-redux to v9
- Update dependency react-router-dom to v7
- Update dependency vite to v6
- Click on this checkbox to rebase all open PRs at once
Ignored or Blocked
These are blocked by an existing closed PR and will not be recreated unless you click a checkbox below.
- Update dependency react-vis to v1.12.1
- Update dependency @testing-library/react to v16
- Update dependency ts-key-enum to v3
Detected dependencies
node 22.12.0
actions/checkout v4.2.1@eef61447b9ff4aafe5dcd4e0bbf5d482be7e7871
github/codeql-action v3.28.0@48ab28a6f5dbc2a99bf1e0131198dd8f1df78169
github/codeql-action v3.28.0@48ab28a6f5dbc2a99bf1e0131198dd8f1df78169
github/codeql-action v3.28.0@48ab28a6f5dbc2a99bf1e0131198dd8f1df78169
actions/checkout v4.2.1@eef61447b9ff4aafe5dcd4e0bbf5d482be7e7871
actions/setup-node v4.1.0@39370e3970a6d050c480ffad4ff0ed4d3fdee5af
actions/checkout v4.2.1@eef61447b9ff4aafe5dcd4e0bbf5d482be7e7871
actions/setup-node v4.1.0@39370e3970a6d050c480ffad4ff0ed4d3fdee5af
svenstaro/upload-release-action 1beeb572c19a9242f4361f4cee78f8e0d9aec5df
actions/checkout v4.2.1@eef61447b9ff4aafe5dcd4e0bbf5d482be7e7871
docker/setup-qemu-action v3
docker/setup-buildx-action v3
actions/cache v4.2.0@1bd1e32a3bdc45362d1e726936510720a7c30a57
docker/build-push-action v6.10.0@48aba3b46d1b1fec4febb7c5d0c644b249a11355
actions/checkout v4.2.1@eef61447b9ff4aafe5dcd4e0bbf5d482be7e7871
ossf/scorecard-action v2.4.0@62b2cac7ed8198b15735ed49ab1e5cf35480ba46
actions/upload-artifact v4.5.0@6f51ac03b9356f520e9adb1b1b7802705f340c2b
github/codeql-action v3.28.0@48ab28a6f5dbc2a99bf1e0131198dd8f1df78169
actions/checkout v4.2.1@eef61447b9ff4aafe5dcd4e0bbf5d482be7e7871
actions/setup-node v4.1.0@39370e3970a6d050c480ffad4ff0ed4d3fdee5af
codecov/codecov-action v5.1.1@7f8b4b4bde536c465e797be725718b88c5d95e0e
@babel/eslint-parser ^7.24.6
@typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin ^7.4.0
@typescript-eslint/parser ^7.4.0
depcheck 1.4.7
eslint 8.57.0
eslint-config-airbnb 19.0.4
eslint-config-prettier 9.1.0
eslint-plugin-import 2.31.0
eslint-plugin-jsx-a11y ^6.8.0
eslint-plugin-react 7.37.1
husky 9.1.0
jsdom 25.0.1
npm-run-all2 7.0.1
prettier 3.4.2
rxjs-compat 6.6.7
typescript 5.7.2
node >=20
react 18.3.1
react-dom 18.3.1
cheerio 1.0.0-rc.12
@ant-design/compatible ^5.1.3
@pyroscope/flamegraph 0.21.4
@sentry/browser ^8.18.0
antd ^5.21.3
chance ^1.0.10
classnames ^2.5.1
combokeys ^3.0.0
copy-to-clipboard ^3.1.0
dayjs ^1.11.9
deep-freeze ^0.0.1
drange ^2.0.0
global ^4.3.2
history ^4.6.3
isomorphic-fetch ^3.0.0
lodash ^4.17.19
logfmt ^1.4.0
lru-memoize ^1.1.0
match-sorter ^8.0.0
memoize-one ^6.0.0
object-hash ^3.0.0
prop-types ^15.5.10
query-string ^9.0.0
react ^18.3.1
react-circular-progressbar ^2.1.0
react-dom ^18.3.1
react-helmet ^6.1.0
react-icons ^5.0.1
react-is ^18.2.0
react-json-view-lite 2.0.1
react-redux ^9.2.0
react-router-dom 5.3.4
react-router-dom-v5-compat ^6.24.0
react-vis 1.11.12
react-vis-force ^0.3.1
react-window ^1.8.10
redux ^5.0.1
redux-actions 2.6.5
redux-first-history ^5.2.0
redux-form ^8.3.10
redux-promise-middleware ^6.1.3
store ^2.0.12
ts-key-enum ^2.0.0
tween-functions ^1.2.0
u-basscss 2.0.1
@babel/core ^7.24.6
@babel/preset-env ^7.24.6
@babel/preset-react ^7.24.6
@babel/preset-typescript ^7.24.6
@testing-library/jest-dom ^6.4.5
@testing-library/react ^15.0.7
@types/deep-freeze ^0.1.1
@types/lodash ^4.17.0
@types/object-hash ^3.0.2
@types/react ^18.3.11
@types/react-helmet ^6.1.5
@types/react-router-dom ^5.1.0
@types/react-window ^1.8.0
@types/redux-actions 2.2.1
@types/redux-form ^8.3.10
@vitejs/plugin-legacy ^5.4.1
@vitejs/plugin-react ^4.3.1
@wojtekmaj/enzyme-adapter-react-17 ^0.8.0
babel-jest ^29.5.0
babel-plugin-inline-react-svg ^2.0.2
babel-plugin-react-remove-properties ^0.3.0
enzyme ^3.8.0
enzyme-to-json ^3.6.2
jest ^29.6.2
jest-environment-jsdom ^29.5.0
jest-junit ^16.0.0
less 4.2.0
react-test-renderer ^18.3.1
rollup-plugin-visualizer ^5.11.0
sinon ^19.0.0
terser ^5.31.0
vite ^5.3.6
vite-plugin-imp ^2.3.1
d3-selection ^3.0.0
d3-zoom ^3.0.0
memoize-one 6.0.0
react-icons ^5.0.1
viz.js 1.8.1
@babel/cli 7.26.4
@babel/core ^7.25.2
@babel/plugin-proposal-class-properties 7.18.6
@babel/plugin-syntax-dynamic-import 7.8.3
@babel/preset-env ^7.25.4
@babel/preset-react 7.26.3
@babel/preset-typescript 7.26.0
@types/d3-zoom 3.0.8
@types/react ^18.3.11
@types/react-dom 18.3.0
@typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin ^7.4.0
@typescript-eslint/parser ^7.4.0
babel-loader 9.2.1
babel-plugin-transform-react-remove-prop-types 0.4.24
clean-webpack-plugin 4.0.0
css-loader 7.1.0
eslint-config-prettier ^9.1.0
html-loader 5.1.0
html-webpack-plugin 5.6.0
npm-run-all2 7.0.1
react ^18.3.1
react-dom ^18.3.1
rimraf 6.0.1
style-loader 4.0.0
webpack ^5.92.0
webpack-cli ^5.1.4
webpack-dev-server ^5.0.4
webpack-node-externals 3.0.0
worker-loader 3.0.8
react ^18.x
react-dom ^18.x
node 22
- Check this box to trigger a request for Renovate to run again on this repository
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