Proudify is an awesome jQuery plugin to display your GitHub projects and Coderwall badges.
The GitHub projects part is a Javascript only implementation of Chris Oliver's idea called Current Projects, suitable for static web pages.
The CoderWall badges part is based on Herman Junge's idea.
Click here to check it out in action!
You can either copy jquery-proudify.min.js
and proudify.min.css
link to them in this repository.
The later is recommended because you will get instant updates and bug fixes without the hassle of updating by yourself.
CSS (skin)
<link rel="stylesheet" href="proudify.min.css" type="text/css"/>
The CSS above is optional and is only required if you do not want to create your own theme
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="jquery-proudify.min.js"></script>
You'll also need a recent version of jQuery as seen above.
Proudify takes a hash
of options as described below:
- username - your GitHub or Coderwall username (required)
- service - 'github' or 'coderwall' (default: github)
- pushed_at - number of days after a repository is considered to be ON HOLD (default: 120 ~ 4 months)
- num - limit the number of shown repositories (default: 0 - show all)
- forks - include forks beside your own original repositories (default: false)
- onhold_status - The text you wish to use for on hold project (defaults to ON HOLD)
- ongoing_status - The text you wish to use for ongoing projects (defaults to ONGOING)
- loading_message - The loading message you wish to use (defaults to Loading...)
The last six options
are for Github only.
<div id="proudify"></div>
<script type="text/javascript">
You can style it at your heart's content, proudify.css
is a good starting point
if you want to customize or tweak certain things.
These "features" are in the works and will be added soon :)
- pull and show other public Github user info
- show fork & watch count ( suggestion by @amanelis )
- show public activity feed (with this generic RSS support as well)
- show tweets
- 'real time' preview, so anybody could try it before creating his own
gem (generate gh-pages, etc) for quicksetup
- initial CoffeeScript version by EnriqueVidal
- Fork the project.
- Make your feature addition or bug fix in CoffeeScript files not JavaScript files.
- Do not bump the version number.
- Send me a pull request. Bonus points for topic branches.
cake build # builds proudify (results in the `build` directory)
cake watch # watches and builds proudify when changes detected (`src` directory)
cake release # builds and minifies proudify (results in the `build` directory)
Copyright (c) 2011, Mihail Szabolcs
Proudify is provided as-is under the MIT license. For more information see LICENSE.