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planner: support limit_to_cop for quick binding (pingcap#44611)
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qw4990 authored Jun 13, 2023
1 parent 87debb8 commit 0f7cae3
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Showing 8 changed files with 197 additions and 155 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion bindinfo/bind_test.go
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -685,7 +685,7 @@ func TestRuntimeHintsInEvolveTasks(t *testing.T) {
tk.MustExec("admin flush bindings")
rows := tk.MustQuery("show global bindings").Rows()
require.Len(t, rows, 2)
require.Equal(t, "SELECT /*+ use_index(@`sel_1` `test`.`t` `idx_c`), max_execution_time(5000)*/ * FROM `test`.`t` WHERE `a` >= 4 AND `b` >= 1 AND `c` = 0", rows[0][1])
require.Equal(t, "SELECT /*+ use_index(@`sel_1` `test`.`t` `idx_c`), no_order_index(@`sel_1` `test`.`t` `idx_c`), max_execution_time(5000)*/ * FROM `test`.`t` WHERE `a` >= 4 AND `b` >= 1 AND `c` = 0", rows[0][1])

func TestDefaultSessionVars(t *testing.T) {
Expand Down
38 changes: 19 additions & 19 deletions bindinfo/capture_test.go
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -81,13 +81,13 @@ func TestDMLCapturePlanBaseline(t *testing.T) {
rows = tk.MustQuery("show global bindings").Sort().Rows()
require.Len(t, rows, 4)
require.Equal(t, "delete from `test` . `t` where `b` = ? and `c` > ?", rows[0][0])
require.Equal(t, "DELETE /*+ use_index(@`del_1` `test`.`t` `idx_b`)*/ FROM `test`.`t` WHERE `b` = 1 AND `c` > 1", rows[0][1])
require.Equal(t, "DELETE /*+ use_index(@`del_1` `test`.`t` `idx_b`), no_order_index(@`del_1` `test`.`t` `idx_b`)*/ FROM `test`.`t` WHERE `b` = 1 AND `c` > 1", rows[0][1])
require.Equal(t, "insert into `test` . `t1` select * from `test` . `t` where `t` . `b` = ? and `t` . `c` > ?", rows[1][0])
require.Equal(t, "INSERT INTO `test`.`t1` SELECT /*+ use_index(@`sel_1` `test`.`t` `idx_b`)*/ * FROM `test`.`t` WHERE `t`.`b` = 1 AND `t`.`c` > 1", rows[1][1])
require.Equal(t, "INSERT INTO `test`.`t1` SELECT /*+ use_index(@`sel_1` `test`.`t` `idx_b`), no_order_index(@`sel_1` `test`.`t` `idx_b`)*/ * FROM `test`.`t` WHERE `t`.`b` = 1 AND `t`.`c` > 1", rows[1][1])
require.Equal(t, "replace into `test` . `t1` select * from `test` . `t` where `t` . `b` = ? and `t` . `c` > ?", rows[2][0])
require.Equal(t, "REPLACE INTO `test`.`t1` SELECT /*+ use_index(@`sel_1` `test`.`t` `idx_b`)*/ * FROM `test`.`t` WHERE `t`.`b` = 1 AND `t`.`c` > 1", rows[2][1])
require.Equal(t, "REPLACE INTO `test`.`t1` SELECT /*+ use_index(@`sel_1` `test`.`t` `idx_b`), no_order_index(@`sel_1` `test`.`t` `idx_b`)*/ * FROM `test`.`t` WHERE `t`.`b` = 1 AND `t`.`c` > 1", rows[2][1])
require.Equal(t, "update `test` . `t` set `a` = ? where `b` = ? and `c` > ?", rows[3][0])
require.Equal(t, "UPDATE /*+ use_index(@`upd_1` `test`.`t` `idx_b`)*/ `test`.`t` SET `a`=1 WHERE `b` = 1 AND `c` > 1", rows[3][1])
require.Equal(t, "UPDATE /*+ use_index(@`upd_1` `test`.`t` `idx_b`), no_order_index(@`upd_1` `test`.`t` `idx_b`)*/ `test`.`t` SET `a`=1 WHERE `b` = 1 AND `c` > 1", rows[3][1])

func TestCapturePlanBaseline(t *testing.T) {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -259,15 +259,15 @@ func TestCapturePreparedStmt(t *testing.T) {
rows := tk.MustQuery("show global bindings").Rows()
require.Len(t, rows, 1)
require.Equal(t, "select * from `test` . `t` where `b` = ? and `c` > ?", rows[0][0])
require.Equal(t, "SELECT /*+ use_index(@`sel_1` `test`.`t` `idx_c`)*/ * FROM `test`.`t` WHERE `b` = ? AND `c` > ?", rows[0][1])
require.Equal(t, "SELECT /*+ use_index(@`sel_1` `test`.`t` `idx_c`), no_order_index(@`sel_1` `test`.`t` `idx_c`)*/ * FROM `test`.`t` WHERE `b` = ? AND `c` > ?", rows[0][1])

require.True(t, tk.MustUseIndex("select /*+ use_index(t,idx_b) */ * from t where b = 1 and c > 1", "idx_c(c)"))
tk.MustExec("admin flush bindings")
tk.MustExec("admin evolve bindings")
rows = tk.MustQuery("show global bindings").Rows()
require.Len(t, rows, 1)
require.Equal(t, "select * from `test` . `t` where `b` = ? and `c` > ?", rows[0][0])
require.Equal(t, "SELECT /*+ use_index(@`sel_1` `test`.`t` `idx_c`)*/ * FROM `test`.`t` WHERE `b` = ? AND `c` > ?", rows[0][1])
require.Equal(t, "SELECT /*+ use_index(@`sel_1` `test`.`t` `idx_c`), no_order_index(@`sel_1` `test`.`t` `idx_c`)*/ * FROM `test`.`t` WHERE `b` = ? AND `c` > ?", rows[0][1])

func TestCapturePlanBaselineIgnoreTiFlash(t *testing.T) {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -386,7 +386,7 @@ func TestCapturedBindingCharset(t *testing.T) {
rows := tk.MustQuery("show global bindings").Rows()
require.Len(t, rows, 1)
require.Equal(t, "update `test` . `t` set `name` = ? where `name` <= ?", rows[0][0])
require.Equal(t, "UPDATE /*+ use_index(@`upd_1` `test`.`t` `idx`)*/ `test`.`t` SET `name`='hello' WHERE `name` <= 'abc'", rows[0][1])
require.Equal(t, "UPDATE /*+ use_index(@`upd_1` `test`.`t` `idx`), no_order_index(@`upd_1` `test`.`t` `idx`)*/ `test`.`t` SET `name`='hello' WHERE `name` <= 'abc'", rows[0][1])
require.Equal(t, "utf8mb4", rows[0][6])
require.Equal(t, "utf8mb4_bin", rows[0][7])
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -433,7 +433,7 @@ func TestUpdateSubqueryCapture(t *testing.T) {
tk.MustExec("admin capture bindings")
rows := tk.MustQuery("show global bindings").Rows()
require.Len(t, rows, 1)
bindSQL := "UPDATE /*+ hash_join(@`upd_1` `test`.`t1`), use_index(@`upd_1` `test`.`t1` `idx_b`), use_index(@`sel_1` `test`.`t2` ), use_index(@`sel_2` `test`.`t2` )*/ `test`.`t1` SET `b`=1 WHERE `b` = 2 AND (`a` IN (SELECT `a` FROM `test`.`t2` WHERE `b` = 1) OR `c` IN (SELECT `a` FROM `test`.`t2` WHERE `b` = 1))"
bindSQL := "UPDATE /*+ hash_join(@`upd_1` `test`.`t1`), use_index(@`upd_1` `test`.`t1` `idx_b`), no_order_index(@`upd_1` `test`.`t1` `idx_b`), use_index(@`sel_1` `test`.`t2` ), use_index(@`sel_2` `test`.`t2` )*/ `test`.`t1` SET `b`=1 WHERE `b` = 2 AND (`a` IN (SELECT `a` FROM `test`.`t2` WHERE `b` = 1) OR `c` IN (SELECT `a` FROM `test`.`t2` WHERE `b` = 1))"
originSQL := "UPDATE `test`.`t1` SET `b`=1 WHERE `b` = 2 AND (`a` IN (SELECT `a` FROM `test`.`t2` WHERE `b` = 1) OR `c` IN (SELECT `a` FROM `test`.`t2` WHERE `b` = 1))"
require.Equal(t, bindSQL, rows[0][1])
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -488,7 +488,7 @@ func TestIssue20417(t *testing.T) {
rows = tk.MustQuery("show global bindings").Rows()
require.Len(t, rows, 1)
require.Equal(t, "select * from `test` . `t` where `b` = ? and `c` = ?", rows[0][0])
require.Equal(t, "SELECT /*+ use_index(@`sel_1` `test`.`t` `idxb`)*/ * FROM `test`.`t` WHERE `b` = 2 AND `c` = 213124", rows[0][1])
require.Equal(t, "SELECT /*+ use_index(@`sel_1` `test`.`t` `idxb`), no_order_index(@`sel_1` `test`.`t` `idxb`)*/ * FROM `test`.`t` WHERE `b` = 2 AND `c` = 213124", rows[0][1])
tk.MustExec("SET GLOBAL tidb_capture_plan_baselines = off")

// Test for evolve baseline
Expand All @@ -505,13 +505,13 @@ func TestIssue20417(t *testing.T) {
rows = tk.MustQuery("show global bindings").Rows()
require.Len(t, rows, 2)
require.Equal(t, "select * from `test` . `t` where `c` = ?", rows[0][0])
require.Equal(t, "SELECT /*+ use_index(@`sel_1` `test`.`t` `idxc`)*/ * FROM `test`.`t` WHERE `c` = 3924541", rows[0][1])
require.Equal(t, "SELECT /*+ use_index(@`sel_1` `test`.`t` `idxc`), no_order_index(@`sel_1` `test`.`t` `idxc`)*/ * FROM `test`.`t` WHERE `c` = 3924541", rows[0][1])
require.Equal(t, "pending verify", rows[0][3])
tk.MustExec("admin evolve bindings")
rows = tk.MustQuery("show global bindings").Rows()
require.Len(t, rows, 2)
require.Equal(t, "select * from `test` . `t` where `c` = ?", rows[0][0])
require.Equal(t, "SELECT /*+ use_index(@`sel_1` `test`.`t` `idxc`)*/ * FROM `test`.`t` WHERE `c` = 3924541", rows[0][1])
require.Equal(t, "SELECT /*+ use_index(@`sel_1` `test`.`t` `idxc`), no_order_index(@`sel_1` `test`.`t` `idxc`)*/ * FROM `test`.`t` WHERE `c` = 3924541", rows[0][1])
status := rows[0][3].(string)
require.True(t, status == bindinfo.Enabled || status == bindinfo.Rejected)
tk.MustExec("set @@tidb_evolve_plan_baselines=0")
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -556,19 +556,19 @@ func TestIssue25505(t *testing.T) {

spmMap := map[string]string{}
spmMap["with recursive `cte` ( `a` ) as ( select ? union select `a` + ? from `test` . `t1` where `a` < ? ) select * from `cte`"] =
"WITH RECURSIVE `cte` (`a`) AS (SELECT 2 UNION SELECT `a` + 1 FROM `test`.`t1` WHERE `a` < 5) SELECT /*+ hash_agg(@`sel_1`), use_index(@`sel_3` `test`.`t1` `idx_ab`)*/ * FROM `cte`"
"WITH RECURSIVE `cte` (`a`) AS (SELECT 2 UNION SELECT `a` + 1 FROM `test`.`t1` WHERE `a` < 5) SELECT /*+ hash_agg(@`sel_1`), use_index(@`sel_3` `test`.`t1` `idx_ab`), no_order_index(@`sel_3` `test`.`t1` `idx_ab`)*/ * FROM `cte`"
spmMap["with recursive `cte1` ( `a` , `b` ) as ( select * from `test` . `t` where `b` = ? union select `a` + ? , `b` + ? from `cte1` where `a` < ? ) select * from `test` . `t`"] =
"WITH RECURSIVE `cte1` (`a`, `b`) AS (SELECT * FROM `test`.`t` WHERE `b` = 1 UNION SELECT `a` + 1,`b` + 1 FROM `cte1` WHERE `a` < 2) SELECT /*+ use_index(@`sel_1` `test`.`t` )*/ * FROM `test`.`t`"
spmMap["with `cte1` as ( select * from `test` . `t` ) , `cte2` as ( select ? ) select * from `test` . `t`"] =
"WITH `cte1` AS (SELECT * FROM `test`.`t`), `cte2` AS (SELECT 4) SELECT /*+ use_index(@`sel_1` `test`.`t` )*/ * FROM `test`.`t`"
spmMap["with `cte` as ( select * from `test` . `t` where `b` = ? ) select * from `test` . `t`"] =
"WITH `cte` AS (SELECT * FROM `test`.`t` WHERE `b` = 6) SELECT /*+ use_index(@`sel_1` `test`.`t` )*/ * FROM `test`.`t`"
spmMap["with recursive `cte` ( `a` ) as ( select ? union select `a` + ? from `test` . `t1` where `a` > ? ) select * from `cte`"] =
"WITH RECURSIVE `cte` (`a`) AS (SELECT 2 UNION SELECT `a` + 1 FROM `test`.`t1` WHERE `a` > 5) SELECT /*+ hash_agg(@`sel_1`), use_index(@`sel_3` `test`.`t1` `idx_b`)*/ * FROM `cte`"
"WITH RECURSIVE `cte` (`a`) AS (SELECT 2 UNION SELECT `a` + 1 FROM `test`.`t1` WHERE `a` > 5) SELECT /*+ hash_agg(@`sel_1`), use_index(@`sel_3` `test`.`t1` `idx_b`), no_order_index(@`sel_3` `test`.`t1` `idx_b`)*/ * FROM `cte`"
spmMap["with `cte` as ( with `cte1` as ( select * from `test` . `t2` where `a` > ? and `b` > ? ) select * from `cte1` ) select * from `cte` join `test` . `t1` on `t1` . `a` = `cte` . `a`"] =
"WITH `cte` AS (WITH `cte1` AS (SELECT * FROM `test`.`t2` WHERE `a` > 1 AND `b` > 1) SELECT * FROM `cte1`) SELECT /*+ use_index(@`sel_3` `test`.`t2` `idx_ab`), use_index(@`sel_1` `test`.`t1` `idx_ab`)*/ * FROM `cte` JOIN `test`.`t1` ON `t1`.`a` = `cte`.`a`"
"WITH `cte` AS (WITH `cte1` AS (SELECT * FROM `test`.`t2` WHERE `a` > 1 AND `b` > 1) SELECT * FROM `cte1`) SELECT /*+ use_index(@`sel_3` `test`.`t2` `idx_ab`), order_index(@`sel_3` `test`.`t2` `idx_ab`), use_index(@`sel_1` `test`.`t1` `idx_ab`), order_index(@`sel_1` `test`.`t1` `idx_ab`)*/ * FROM `cte` JOIN `test`.`t1` ON `t1`.`a` = `cte`.`a`"
spmMap["with `cte` as ( with `cte1` as ( select * from `test` . `t2` where `a` = ? and `b` = ? ) select * from `cte1` ) select * from `cte` join `test` . `t1` on `t1` . `a` = `cte` . `a`"] =
"WITH `cte` AS (WITH `cte1` AS (SELECT * FROM `test`.`t2` WHERE `a` = 1 AND `b` = 1) SELECT * FROM `cte1`) SELECT /*+ use_index(@`sel_3` `test`.`t2` `idx_a`), use_index(@`sel_1` `test`.`t1` `idx_a`)*/ * FROM `cte` JOIN `test`.`t1` ON `t1`.`a` = `cte`.`a`"
"WITH `cte` AS (WITH `cte1` AS (SELECT * FROM `test`.`t2` WHERE `a` = 1 AND `b` = 1) SELECT * FROM `cte1`) SELECT /*+ use_index(@`sel_3` `test`.`t2` `idx_a`), no_order_index(@`sel_3` `test`.`t2` `idx_a`), use_index(@`sel_1` `test`.`t1` `idx_a`), no_order_index(@`sel_1` `test`.`t1` `idx_a`)*/ * FROM `cte` JOIN `test`.`t1` ON `t1`.`a` = `cte`.`a`"

tk.MustExec("with cte as (with cte1 as (select /*+use_index(t2 idx_a)*/ * from t2 where a = 1 and b = 1) select * from cte1) select /*+use_index(t1 idx_a)*/ * from cte join t1 on t1.a=cte.a;")
tk.MustExec("with cte as (with cte1 as (select /*+use_index(t2 idx_a)*/ * from t2 where a = 1 and b = 1) select * from cte1) select /*+use_index(t1 idx_a)*/ * from cte join t1 on t1.a=cte.a;")
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -992,8 +992,8 @@ func TestCaptureHints(t *testing.T) {
{"select /*+ use_index_merge(t, a, b) */ a, b from t where a=1 or b=1", "use_index_merge(@`sel_1` `t` `a`, `b`)"},
{"select /*+ ignore_index(t, a) */ * from t where a=1", "ignore_index(`t` `a`)"},
// push-down hints
{"select /*+ limit_to_cop() */ * from t limit 10", "limit_to_cop()"},
{"select /*+ agg_to_cop() */ a, count(*) from t group by a", "agg_to_cop()"},
{"select /*+ limit_to_cop() */ * from t limit 10", "limit_to_cop(@`sel_1`)"},
{"select /*+ agg_to_cop() */ a, count(*) from t group by a", "agg_to_cop(@`sel_1`)"},
// index-merge hints
{"select /*+ no_index_merge() */ a, b from t where a>1 or b>1", "no_index_merge()"},
{"select /*+ use_index_merge(t, a, b) */ a, b from t where a>1 or b>1", "use_index_merge(@`sel_1` `t` `a`, `b`)"},
Expand All @@ -1012,8 +1012,8 @@ func TestCaptureHints(t *testing.T) {
tk.MustExec("admin capture bindings")
res := tk.MustQuery(`show global bindings`).Rows()
require.Equal(t, len(res), 1) // this query is captured, and
require.True(t, strings.Contains(res[0][1].(string), capCase.hint)) // the binding contains the expected hint
require.Equal(t, len(res), 1) // this query is captured, and
require.True(t, strings.Contains(res[0][1].(string), capCase.hint), fmt.Sprintf("%v:%v", capCase.query, res[0][1])) // the binding contains the expected hint
// test sql digest
parser4binding := parser.New()
originNode, err := parser4binding.ParseOneStmt(capCase.query, "utf8mb4", "utf8mb4_general_ci")
Expand Down
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions executor/adapter.go
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1756,8 +1756,8 @@ func getEncodedPlan(stmtCtx *stmtctx.StatementContext, genHint bool) (encodedPla
// so we have to iterate all hints from the customer and keep some other necessary hints.
switch tableHint.HintName.L {
case "memory_quota", "use_toja", "no_index_merge", "max_execution_time",
plannercore.HintAggToCop, plannercore.HintIgnoreIndex,
plannercore.HintReadFromStorage, plannercore.HintLimitToCop:
plannercore.HintIgnoreIndex, plannercore.HintReadFromStorage,
plannercore.HintSemiJoinRewrite, plannercore.HintNoDecorrelate:
hints = append(hints, tableHint)
Expand Down

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