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Jack Huang edited this page Feb 13, 2025 · 4 revisions

A Theme is a collection of Sound. Just like how colorschemes map colors to text objects, themes map sound effects to Neovim events.

The plugin comes with three built-in themes:

  • chiptune: Classic 8-bit game sounds (default)
  • crystal: Clear, crystalline sounds with sparkling tones
  • synth: Modern synthesizer sounds with smooth tones

When an event occurs (like saving a file or moving the cursor), the theme plays its corresponding sound effect.

See Sound for details of creating a sound.

You can also use the preset chiptune theme as a starting point.

Creating a Theme

  1. First, create a table of Sound you like

  2. Then, you can either:

    • Assign it to opts.theme:

      opts = {
        theme = {
          -- your table of sounds
    • Or load it with load_theme():

      ---@type PlayerOne.Theme
      local my_theme = {
        -- Play a welcome jingle when Vim startup
        ---@type PlayerOne.Sound
          event = "VimEnter",
          sound = {
            { wave_type = 1, base_freq = 523.25, env_decay = 0.15 },
            { wave_type = 1, base_freq = 659.25, env_decay = 0.15 },
            { wave_type = 1, base_freq = 783.99, env_decay = 0.15 },
          callback = "append" -- Play notes sequentially
        -- Trigger a Short blip while typing
          event = "TextChangedI",
          sound = {
            wave_type = 1,
            base_freq = 880.0,
            env_attack = 0.0,
            env_sustain = 0.001,
            env_decay = 0.05,
          callback = "play"   -- Play immediately
        -- Play a goodbye chime when exiting Vim
          event = "VimLeavePre",
          sound = {
            { wave_type = 2, base_freq = 587.33, env_decay = 0.15 },
            { wave_type = 2, base_freq = 880.00, env_decay = 0.15 },
          callback = "play_async" -- Play and wait for completion
      -- Apply the theme
        theme = my_theme
      -- Or switch themes at runtime
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