- Between 0 and 1
- https://www.linkedin.com/in/jabhij/
- @jabhij
data-engineer-handbook Public
Forked from DataExpert-io/data-engineer-handbookThis is a repo with links to everything you'd ever want to learn about data engineering
Makefile UpdatedNov 12, 2024 -
SQLVerse Public
Everything about SQLs - important hacks, tricks, & comparisons that helped me in understanding the practical side of using various SQL queries.
2 UpdatedOct 13, 2024 -
linkedin-jobhunt Public
Forked from landoncrabtree/linkedin-jobhuntA Python based webscraper for LinkedIn jobs to simplify the hunt for internships and new grad roles.
Python UpdatedJun 11, 2024 -
MLOPS Public
End to end MLOPS project
Analyzed Apple's dataset to check how many people bought Airpods after buying Mac or iPhone. Thereafter, using ML and predictive analytics to check future outcomes.
UpdatedMay 23, 2024 -
DataScience_KnowHow Public
This repository is dedicated to all the important and insightful resources dedicated to Data Science, Machine Learning (ML), Artificial Intelligence (AI) and all the other related domains. Feel fre…
chicagohood_ml Public
Helping upcoming student in selecting the best Neighborhood to live near to their schools based on AI-driven tags.
Jupyter Notebook UpdatedApr 7, 2024 -
Machine-Learning-Interviews Public
Forked from alirezadir/Machine-Learning-InterviewsThis repo is meant to serve as a guide for Machine Learning/AI technical interviews.
PY-RegularExpressionX Public
Everything you need to know about Regular Expression in python for scientific work, especially related to Data Science.
EDA_Experiments Public
In this repo I'll use different types of datasets to explore and implement various Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) approaches.
Recommendation_Systems Public
This repository contains recommendations system for various business types including sports, entertainment, and healthcare, among others.
CampusAssessment_Portal Public
A portal based for conducting online examination. The portal have features like cross-checking, assigning marks, result etc.
Data_Visualization Public
This is a dynamic processing chart, based on D3.JS
Develop an ML model to help people overcome mental stress & anxiety, including various mood fluxes via music recommendation.
MHR_Analysis Public
The notebook aims to examine various factors that impact the health of pregnant women and develop a machine learning model to predict the level of health risk for pregnant women.
The project uses statistical techniques to analyzes the responses from an annual OSMI survey that measures attitudes towards mental health and the frequency of mental health disorders in the tech w…
ML-Course-Notes Public
Forked from dair-ai/ML-Course-Notes🎓 Sharing course notes on all topics related to machine learning, NLP, and AI.
Tableau_Dashboards Public
Consists brief info about all of my tableau dashboards, insights that I got out of them, & the outcomes that I got after analyzing those visualizations.
1 UpdatedMay 18, 2023 -
TextMining-BagOfWords Public
In this repository I'll try to put everything about text mining, based on my learning with Data Camp.
The-TwitterAlgorithm Public
Forked from twitter/the-algorithm-mlSource code for Twitter's Recommendation Algorithm
CrimeRate_Classification Public
Developing a system that could classify crime descriptions into different categories which would help the authorities to assign officers to crimes based on the report.
DataScience-Interview-Questions-Answers Public
Forked from youssefHosni/Data-Science-Interview-Questions-Answers -
DataScience_Snippets Public
Contains important code snippets of different - algorithms, tricks, among others. For instance- Machine Learning, Data Visualizations, etc.