IT Project Management Class. Exercise Project
Developer : Aziz Zul Hazmi, Adisa Larasati, Izzan Dienurrahman
The purpose of this project is to make accessing spekun UI available using smart-card/NFC. Database will be used to record activities related to borrowing spekun. Locking system will be computerized and controlled automatically.
You may NOT copy/distribute this code without the permission from the coder. if you want to tinker and help with the development, just contact me and I'll be glad to consider that.
To use this code, the following are prerequisites: ->Arduino IDE ->WeMos Board Package (if you haven't download it, check their website for info/tutorial) ->RFID Library from ->ESP8266 Library from ->two boards(minimum) of WeMos D1 mini/D1 mini R2/D1 mini Pro
There are 2 versions of the code, the first one is inside RELEASE folder which intended for final application of the system, the second one is inside DEBUG folder, containing the same code except with a lot of Serial.println code to Arduino IDE serial monitor for debugging purposes.
For tutorial on how to implement the project, refer to HOWTO.txt in this repository.
Last edited by : Izzan Dienurrahman 2nd March 2017