This repository contains code for our paper A CCG-based Compositional Semantics and Inference System for Comparatives.
- Izumi Haruta, Koji Mineshima and Daisuke Bekki. A CCG-based Compositional Semantics and Inference System for Comparatives. The 33rd Pacific Asia Conference on Language, Information and Computation (PACLIC 33).
- Python 3.6.5+
- Vampire 4.3.0+
The system uses scripts available from ccg2lambda. It is necessary to install python3 (3.6.5 or later), nltk, lxml, simplejson and pyyaml python libraries. If python3 and pip are already installed, you can install these packages with pip:
pip install lxml simplejson pyyaml nltk
See also installation of ccg2lambda.
To run the system, first clone our repository:
git clone
To install Vampire, change your directory to where you cloned the repository and run the following:
cd fracas-comparatives_adjectives
This command downloads Vampire (version 4.4.0) to fracas-comparatives_adjectives/vampire-4.4
You can change the location of Vampire by editing scripts/vampire_dir.txt
Run experiments on the FraCaS test suite:
./scripts/ comp vampire
This command runs evaluation on the COMPARATIVE section of FraCaS. If you change comp
to adj
, it runs evaluation on the ADJECTIVE section.
./scripts/ adj vampire
The outputs are shown as:
System answer/Gold answer/Time
fra_comp_220.ccg: yes/yes/0.0492
fra_comp_221.ccg: unknown/unknown/4.2851
fra_comp_222.ccg: unknown/unknown/4.3367
fra_comp_223.ccg: no/no/2.1593
fra_comp_224.ccg: yes/yes/0.0208
fra_comp_225.ccg: unknown/unknown/4.2712
Accuracy: 29 / 31 = .9354
Average time: 1.6729
Here, system answer, gold answer, and proving time are indicated for each problem. The overall accuracy and average proving time are also shown.
By default, created files are to be stored in the results
-- system prediction (yes, no, unknown)results/*.html
-- visualized CCG derivation tree with semantic representation: the CCG tree for each FraCaS problem is accessible fromresults/main.html
-- CCG derivation tress in XML formatresults/*.tptp
-- semantic representation in tptp format
You can also run the system on each inference in FraCaS. For example, the following tried to prove the inference with ID FraCaS-243:
./scripts/ inferences/fra_comp_243.ccg vampire
The code is divided into the following:
-- scripts from ccg2lambda./fracas\_plain
-- inference problems from FraCaS. In eachfracas_plain/*.txt
file, a set of premises and a hypothesis are shown line by line. For example, for ID fracas_220, the first two lines are premises and the final line "The PC_6082 is fast" is a hypothesis.
$ cat fracas_plain/fracas_220_comparatives.txt
The PC_6082 is faster than the ITEL_XZ.
The ITEL_XZ is fast.
The PC_6082 is fast.
The gold answer label is in fracas_plain/*.txt
$ cat fracas_plain/fracas_220_comparatives.answer
-- gold CCG derivations trees manually constructed
$ cat inferences/fra_comp_220.ccg
(S (S/<S\NP> (NP (NP/N the) (N PC_6082))) (S\NP (<S\NP>/<S\NP> is) (S\NP (<S\NP>/<S/<S\NP>> (<S\NP>\D fast) (<<S\NP>/<S/<S\NP>>>\<<S\NP>\D> er)) (S/<S\NP> (S/S than) (S/<S\NP> (NP (NP/N the) (N ITEL_XZ)))))))
(S (S/<S\NP> (NP (NP/N the) (N ITEL_XZ))) (S\NP (<S\NP>/<S\NP> is) (S\NP (<S\NP>/<<S\NP>\D> pos) (<S\NP>\D fast))))
(S (S/<S\NP> (NP (NP/N the) (N PC_6082))) (S\NP (<S\NP>/<S\NP> is) (S\NP (<S\NP>/<<S\NP>\D> pos) (<S\NP>\D fast))))
- main scripts including semantic templates (scripts/templates_comparatives.yaml
) and the COMP axioms.
author = {Haruta, Izumi and Mineshima, Koji and Bekki, Daisuke},
title = {A CCG-based Compositional Semantics and Inference System for Comparatives},
booktitle = {Proceedings of 33rd Pacific Asia Conference on Language, Information and Computation (PACLIC 33)},
month = {September},
year = {2019},
address = {Hakodate, Japan},
publisher = {Waseda Institute for the Study of Language and Information},
pages = {47--56}
You can see the html files as the results that maps CCG derivation trees to semantic representaions.